Tuesday, June 06, 2006

EU Rewards Terrorism

Javier Solana: "The EU continues to be the most important donor to the Palestinians... We will not let the Palestinians down."

The world is insane. The "Palestinian" pricks have let the world down (Numbers 33:55). Therefore, why should the EU or anybody other than maybe the many oil-rich Arab countries care to foolishly continue to be WELFARE DONORS to sworn enemies of the West? The Nazi-Muslims would rejoice if Europe or the United States were starving to death and dance in the streets. Their plight is of their own making. To "hell" with them or at least use all that money to transfer them to their many Arab countries of origin and set them up there.

Meir Kahane was right: "They must go!" Instead, useful idiots continue to reward their terrorism, cover for their criminal leaders who bilk them of billions after the tradition of Herr Arafat, and perpetuate the problem. They must receive some pretty big kickbacks.

Daniel Pipes: Can the Leopard Change Its Spots?

Stop Welfare for "Palestinian" Terrorists!