Friday, February 09, 2007

Will the Germans beat the British and rule the world?

Thu, 8 Feb 2007

Shalom Professor Narrett,

I've just finished reading your essay: Two British Views on Jews. I must say that I wouldn't consider the world ruled by British-Israelites a terrible thing, and consider Cecil Rhodes instrumental in helping to fulfill prophecy in South Africa (extending Joseph's dominion to the far reaches of Earth), although it was Manifest Destiny (so to speak) for Manasseh to separate from Ephraim and any attempts to bring the United States back into their fold would fail. A proper brother relationship should suffice, just like with our Jewish brethren, until King Messiah reconciles us as "One Nation under God," a truly "United Kingdom."
Clearly, I don't agree with any British plans that favor Ishmael over Israel (Judah) and believe it is contrary to our purpose and calling and would self-destruct (like Iraq).
How do the Germans wrest control of all these ambitions the British have? (Since I believe as Herbert W. Armstrong did; we teach the German-Assyrians will conquer the British-Israelites and Jews and the EU will occupy Jerusalem). Do the Brits get backstabbed like the Jews who are collaborating with the Nazis over Jerusalem's future?
What think ye?

David Ben-Ariel

Professor Eugene Narrett responds:

The British ruling groups have destroyed their own wonderful culture with "social welfare" and all the fatalism, self-contempt and selfishness it breeds; they have indeed re-colonized America through the perfidy of the shadow elites of America which have their own plan to rule a "regionalized world system" (Julian Huxley's term) with the English elites. As they showed during WW II both these elites are pitiless enemies of the Jewish people and contemptuous of their own peoples as the Depression, Korean, Vietnam, and first Gulf War showed.
The Anglo-American establishment is very willing to collaborate with the Vatican-Berlin Reich (as in Yugoslavia); it's an ugly community of interests in which each bloc advances its interests and even profits, at the expense of and for the reason of mobilizing its own subject 'constituency" by letting the other bloc get bigger. The English ruling elites especially hate Jews and they're quite happy, other history aside, to play ball with the Vatican and Germans. Yes they're suicidal: have been for a long time; had become quite alarming by 1790s and is writ large in Tennyson's idyll. And of course their plan for the "War System" unsustainable.
You will want to study my forthcoming book on WW III: the War on the Jews........

Eugene Narrett received his BA, MA and PhD degrees from Columbia University in New York. He has been teaching Literature, Art History and Philosophy for 26 years in the Boston area. He follows events in Israel closely and has written two books on the effects of the Oslo process. Currently, he teaches in and directs a Liberal Arts program at a college in Massachusetts.

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