Sunday, November 09, 2008

Israel to appoint a king

Re: Time for Israel to appoint a king, scholar says

When, since its founding in '48. did they ever have a monarchy?

Who is it, do you propose that they install as king (Queen)?

Those with a biblical view consider the revival of the nation of Israel, presently the Jewish homeland of Israel (held in trust for all Twelve Tribes of Israel), as the continuation of the Kingdom of Judah, capital Jerusalem. So for us to call upon the Jews to restore their monarchy in Israel is only logical and not troubled by time or space.

Am I a prophet? I'll leave that to their sages to determine, so help them God.

Of course, as prophesied, a scion of King David continues to rule over Israel in the Isles today: Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Would to God QEII would remember her Hebrew roots and return to the Faith once delivered to Jerusalem and forsake Babylon, setting a sterling example for every British- Israelite to follow.


David Ben-Ariel