Monday, January 18, 2010

Race matters whether folks admit it or not

Re: Do West Africans have particular reason to help Haitians?

#7. To: Victorian Lady (#2)

Africans need to help Africans, Asians need to help Asians, Mexicans need to help Mexicans, Whites need to help Whites and ALL need to stay in their own nations.

Race matters whether folks want to acknowledge it or remain in denial, until it's too late.

Diversity Demands: Segregate NOW!

God bless us all to live within the designated borders of diverse nations our Great Creator has decreed for us, all revolving around the 12 Tribes of Israel whom God alone has called to ultimately become His Servant Nation, a light to all nations, a truly United Kingdom, One Nation Under God.

Deuteronomy 32:8
8 When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations, When He separated the sons of Adam [even though we're all family],He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the children of Israel.

Acts 17:26
26 And [although] He [God] has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth [we're all human]... [yet He] has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings...

FATHER GOD KNOWS BEST, don't you agree?