Thursday, October 05, 2006

Great Darkness: the Last Goodbye

Many observers recognize that the western powers are not acting to preserve and sustain their cultures and civilization. They see, for example, details of the contradictions, hypocrisies and what appears as bungling in the War on Terror. They describe political betrayals and warn of consequences.

Fewer people perceive and explain the pattern and purpose in the lack of respect and self-defense of the rulers of this culture. Some writers recognize that the betrayal of the Jewish people is a common factor in the West's broader pattern of destruction of family, national and individual integrity.

A very few commentators describe ways that the West is committing suicide, that it is led by corporate - diplomatic and ideological elites that seek not its defense but its destruction. But why has this become a perennial feature of the West?

My essays examine data from many centuries to propose answers to the underlying question: why western civilization for centuries elevates and protects leaders in its major institutions that are committed to its own destruction. The answer must be in the culture itself. The following essay is another section of the diagnosis, prognosis, and antidote. -- Eugene Narret

Great Darkness: the Last Goodbye

“Darkness may cover the earth and dense cloud the kingdoms…”
(Isaiah 60:1)

They say that seventy-six million people, the greatest number ever attended Major League Baseball games this year. That’s lovely and also poignant. Baseball is a game of great lucidity, poise and grace; of summer days not constrained by a clock but by its own wondrous structure of allowances based on threes and fours, diamonds, circles, grass and sky.

One could say that more and more people attend to escape the ugliness, urgencies, lack of purpose or redemption that increasingly fill our ‘real’ lives: the broken education system, the breaking health industry and employment situation; the seemingly invincible juggernaut of lawyer-world; the selling of goddess rapture, perversion… the multicultural and global marketing of lovely baseball itself, the snarling circus of lawyers, corporate sponsors, increased media hypnosis of the audience, and narcissism that hovers like a cloud over our spring and summer, now dimming toward fall.

From what do people increasingly seek refuge, not a few of them in the ancient truths of Scripture?

All over the western world, from Australia to New York, from San Diego to the Balkans people wonder at the inability of this magnificently powerful civilization to defend its borders and identity against those who proclaim their intention of destroying it. Whether it is abruptly sprouting “Hispanic” groups like LULAC, MALDEF, or MEChA funded by major foundations (Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller), corporations (Archer Daniels Midland) and our shadow government (CFR) or Muslims sponsored by European or American governments, intelligence agencies and universities it seems as if suicidal treachery has loosed anarchy upon the world. More...

America is being collapsed into a North American Union, the nation is losing the laws and language that are its basis; the West in alliance with its enemies is destroying itself.

The geopolitical aspects of these convulsions have been preceded by disorders within the host culture. Nearly the entire twentieth century witnessed the West’s academic, literary and judicial classes undermining by re-defining the family, sexual mores, the nation and of the state’s relation to the citizens it was designed to serve.

Consider one ‘tree’ in this forest. Jean Pierre Ducharme, the French General heading the United Nations force in the Lebanon will not disarm Hizballah (forget the stipulations of the ceasefire; they were made for the media and politicians to sell surrender). Its troops will however, “travel, visit restaurants and tourist sites and stimulate the local economy.” Hizballah rearms and encourages attacks at the Israeli border. The Labor Party chief who serves as Israel’s “Defense” Minister states that Israel will contact UNIFIL regarding the violations.

And so the wheel turns, with the EU, French and their puppets leading the slide to the abyss.

A proximate cultural watershed for the West’s drawn-out suicide was the openly pagan French Revolution with its attacks on the family, private property, Judeo-Christian morality and its use of State power against civilians deemed politically incorrect. At the same time, feminism began redefining marriage as slavery and men as oppressors. Sexual liberation and female self-assertion became paradigms; androgyny became an ideal, as in pagan Greece. Feminism first broke down Anglophone cultures. Its adoption by Marx showed and continues to show its role in the ‘partners in crime’ of modern imperialism in their war on the past, their creation of states of lonely, demanding and lost individuals.

The greatness of the Almighty’s kindness and love of life is represented repeatedly in Jewish Scriptures as enabling a wife to become pregnant, give birth and become a mother. “He transforms the barren wife into a glad mother of children; Hallelujah” (Psalms 113:9). He helps the barren wife become a glad mother, not the soccer mom; not the ’single mom’ of the artificially created “non-traditional family.” The Eternal One and Creator, like all people once understood that widows and orphans are a terrible situation because women and children need fathers to be whole, just as we need to recognize and appreciate the Compassionate Father to be human and humane.

It is revealing that this essential unit of human life is and has been a primary target of the makers of the global security state. Their ‘omelet’ requires breaking many precious eggs.

In his little-known poem, “Recessional,” Rudyard Kipling, inaccurately recorded as a one-dimensional proponent of English imperialism took the occasion of Queen Victoria’s Jubilee to fiercely admonish imperial and material pride and to warn that Britain’s far flung armies and fleets, even at the peak of imperial power would melt into mist and “all our pomp of yesterday is one with Nineveh and Tyre,” gone, destroyed if they forget humility and the Creator.

“Lord God of Hosts be with us yet, lest we forget, lest we forget” rings the refrain of his cautionary hymn. The poem might be the last great public expression of the dignity and wisdom of the original Puritans.

Admired as he was, Kipling was speaking against the tide of modernity and he knew it. Those who heeded him more and more lost influence on the direction of their culture; Anglo-American and western civilization have been turned against themselves. It is not that “the best lack all conviction,” as the radical Yeats warned (they continue to struggle very hard, in alternative media and in grass roots organizations, against the tide), but that “the worst are full of passionate intensity.” That has not changed.

We should examine some reasons why this has not changed and likely will not change.

Consider other key points of the slide into darkness: divorce became correct and fashionable; in the twentieth century a female entitlement, then a self-perpetuating industry (the “lawless law” of “family” courts that exist to destroy fathers and families); the war against fathers, against the roots of our civilization was part of the new elites’ multi-faceted war on traditions, deference, limits natural and Scriptural. In its skirts came the justification and then the celebration of androgyny and sexual perversion, of the return of the ethos of pagan Greece, resurgent since the Renaissance. Already in the early nineteenth century, the Romantic era in Anglo-American and then other European cultures showed increasing fascination with the exotic and the primitive, with passion and rapture, with states of possession. Writers exalted imagination and passion as the idols of a liberated humankind which would progress by modeling itself on, rather than ordering nature. To this day progressives sometimes critique, sometimes exploit science to advance their theories and dreams from evolution to the ‘gay gene’ to ‘global warming.’

Dr. Moreau’s desire to burn pain out of the animal should have warned us where culture was heading. If not his novels, with the numbed Eloi ruled by the techno-freak warlocks then the later world-socialist Wells and his plan for a “world-brain” of the elite (Wells, The Island of Dr. Moreau, 1896).

Modernism teaches that human beings are evolving animals that the elect will lead into a scientific utopia. The entire world will not be filled with the knowledge of the Creator but with new truths designed for newly designed men and women and their designer babies.

In the hands of a maddened culture, genetics now allows babies to be developed in vitro by DNA taken out of cells in anyone’s body. The woman becomes a pod, the man is utterly unnecessary except as a drone and ATM machine, constantly stimulated to work, never satisfied in the ancient and fulfilling ways. “Your children will be like olive shoots surrounding your table. Happy is the man who fills his quiver with the children of youth. He will not be shamed when he speaks with enemies at the gate…”

But today fathers are broken and shamed in front of their children and reduced to “visitors” at the whim of their wives who betray them per the overt and indirect suasions of the media, courts and popular ‘health’ industry to pursue perfect satisfaction and “independence.” Shaming men and fathers is a major part the western culture and a primary sign of its mad and suicidal direction.

Popular culture is filled with warrior queens, fighter pilots, kick-boxing slut goddesses. Aphrodite, Athena and company have returned with a vengeance. With men irrelevant and appropriated into the androgynous fantasy, “panic and terror,” the children of Aphrodite and Ares (the war god) are the substance both of our popular culture and our geopolitics.

Panic and terror…

No one recognized that the Jews expelled from Gush Katif were put in the role routinely faced by fathers dragged into the torture chambers known as divorce court. No one of prominence has given attention and redress to this; it is scarcely mentioned. And so what happens to them now happens to more and more people in the west: innocent and good people suddenly are criminalized without criminal charges, simply as a by product of the culture-shattering business of the New State and its autonomous goddesses. But unlike fathers ‘processed’ by the divorce industry, those exiled from Gush Katif were able to take their children with them.

Still none note the comparisons although the canary-in-the-mine analogy continues to be used though it is clear that the Hellenic – Egyptian aspects of the west are rampaging and that it is committing suicide by uprooting itself, on a geopolitical level in what it does to Israel; on an intra-social level what it does to men, fathers, and families.

This is a claw of the fourth beast, trampling, crushing and destroying everything.

If this new world created by progressives is so wonderful, thrilling, desirable and good why do its leaders fund and assist the jihadists and others that intend to destroy its favorite habits, industries and fantasies?

Like a diseased body, a nation or a civilization that will not distinguish self from not-self, friend from foe, health from disease is a dying nation. Those who dominate the industries and institutions of the west cannot and/or will not so distinguish. They make evil good and good evil. They assist our enemies and destroy our few friends, and us. The War on Terror may be the ultimate example of this infirmity.

Western civilization was born by appropriating Judaism, its concept of a gracious Creator Who hears and desires prayer, Who makes history purposeful and in love gave all human beings an orderly world that repays study, diligence, work and teaches by having us live the consequences of our words and deeds. Yet since its origin, western civilization has fiercely slandered and attacked its root, Judaism and the Jewish people, carrying over the genocidal policies of the Roman Empire.

The end returns to the beginning. After centuries of mass lootings, burnings and killings, after the Crusades, the blood libels (regularly featured still in Islamic mass media and, in metaphoric form in the lies and rationalizations of the western mass media); after the inquisition, the pogroms, the shoah, the Western powers have sought to abort the Jewish state and, when that failed to help Islam whittle it down and destroy it. The Road Map is the end of this end game. As we write, the west is waiting for Iran to strike Israel.

Fanning the flames of pan-Islamic nationalism (as Ze’ev Jabotinsky warned in 1930), those who rule the western powers have not cared even as the jihad genie they re-ignited turned against their own cultures. Of course they welcome it: jihad is perennial crisis which requires management, ever-increasing security measures and State power.

Terror prompts a desire for security the State promises to fulfill, in its own way, for its own purposes…

With the ongoing resurgence of the West’s portion of pagan Greek, Egyptian and Mesopotamian theologies its war on the Jews has increased and diversified; measure for measure, so have the manifold ways in which its own leaders war on itself, tear itself apart as in the ancient dramas of Dionysus, Horus, Osiris and Isis. These myths are all about dismemberment and uprooting or castration. They have a natural synergy with Islamic fetishes, transgender manias and the war on fathers and families. And on the Father in heaven, the Compassionate Father of Judaism.

It is totally predictable that as part of its end of days’ assault on Judaism and the Jewish people that Edom throws against Jerusalem an array of international sexual transgressors, those cut off from their own roots and mocking manhood with their every slogan and path. Terror and deracination in the form of aggression: it is the ultimate assault of Hellenism. Israel’s suppression of its own root is manifest in the politicians and lawless judges that may order that this assault proceed.

The powers want no witness to their depravity and schemes. They want to rule the ruins they are making. They are without conscience or scruples; they are clever and mad.

One need not be a believer or even a Deist to understand a fundamental law of nature: A branch that attacks its root is a branch that will wither and die. This is why the powers of the west cannot, not only will not, cannot stop empowering jihad and destroying their root, Israel: they are drunk and not with wine. Like the bewitched Pentheus they do not want to live. As they dance to the death of their own cultures they destroy the root of all, Israel.

The shame is that they are taking down with them cultures of many gracious qualities. All of us are caught in this gathering darkness. But though it may seem impossible as the “conservative” Bush administration pushes toward creating a “Palestinian” state, literally walling Jews in behind the Auschwitz lines the logic of history is that the Jewish root and Israel somehow will survive the mad death dance of the western powers and jihadists, too. The root will live while the rotting branches wither and die.

“Toward evening, there will be light…”

“On Mt. Zion there shall be a remnant…thus says the Eternal One, your Creator Jacob, the One Who fashioned you, Israel. Fear not, for you are Mine! I called you by name, you are Mine. You are My witnesses.” Nothing else makes sense in the madness and darkness of these days. The word of G-d and the mission and heritage He gave Israel is the rock that will remain after the blood-dimmed tide has lashed over it and swirled away.

[For other essays and related works by Dr. Eugene E. Narret, please visit]