"Apartheid survivor" Eddie Daniels shares his story with the impressionable young minds of the Maumee Valley Country Day School? More like more liberal propaganda. Eddie Daniels was imprisoned in South Africa for subversive activities. He went to Robben Island for treason - not because he was some philosopher.
The Blade once praised Winnie Mandela when some of us condemned and exposed her for the murderous witch she is, a member of the Communist African National Congress that took fiendish pleasure in necklacing black opponents (putting a gasoline doused tire around the neck of a hands tied victim and then lighting it). Later even The Blade recanted its support for the "mother of Africa" when the evidence became so overwhelming she is the "murderess of Africa" and Nelson Mandela (the smooth-talking terrorist in a suit and tie) divorced her.
"Without the world, we would still be struggling. The world came to our aid," crows E.D. Yes, without the useful idiots who fell for the ANC wolf in sheep's clothing, foolish white democratic countries wouldn't have aided and abetted black racists coming to power who now terrorize the white population without any outcry from the biased media. Such "affirmative action" despots have exposed they're not saviors after all and certainly haven't brought "peace, calm, tranquility, and mutual respect" as they look the other way as white folks are brutally murdered, white women are raped, productive white farms seized and white flight continues from the formerly most prosperous country on the African continent.
Add black-ruled South Africa, with its inexcusable breakdown of law and order, to the list of African basketcases and let America take warning that what happened there can happen here, as these two articles testify:
A Warning For America From South Africa
Black Racists Slaughter Whites in South Africa - Where's the Outrage?
Will The Blade offer equal time for Boers? Will the Maumee Valley Country Day School invite an Afrikaner to speak to give the rest of the story?
Thursday, October 19, 2006
South African traitor sells story
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