Chapter Six: "Dry Run"
copyright (c) 1998, 2006, by Mr. Barry Chamish
R&B Editor's Notes:
"Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?": The Root & Branch Information Services is serializing the book Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?, by Mr. Barry Chamish, with permission of the author, to commemorate the eleventh anniversary of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (November 4, 1995 -- November 4, 2006).
The Bible Says:
"How is the faithful city [Jerusalem] become a harlot. She that was full of justice, righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers. Your silver is become dross, your wine is mixed with water. Your princes are rebellious and companions of thieves; every one loves bribes, and follows after rewards; they judge not the fatherless, neither does the cause of the widow come to them.
Therefore, says the Lord, the Lord of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel: Ah, I will ease Me of My adversaries, and avenge Me of My enemies; and I will turn My hand upon you, and purge away your dross as with lye, and will take away all your allow; and I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counsellors as at the beginning; afterward you [Jerusalem] shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city. Zion shall be redeemed with justice, and they who return of her with righteousness.
But the destruction of the transgressors and the sinners shall be together, and they who forsake the Lord shall be consumed. For they shall be ashamed of the terebinths which you have desired, and you shall be confounded for the garden that you have chosen. For you shall be as a terebinth whose leaf fades, and as a garden that has no water. And the strong shall be as tow, and his work as a spark, and they shall both burn together, and none shall quench them".
[Yeshayahu/Isaiah 1:21-31]
YERUSHALIYIM, Israelite Tribal Territories of Judah and Benjamin, Kingdom of David and Solomon, United Israelite Kingdom of Judah and Joseph, First Day, Ninth Month ("Rosh Chodesh Kislev"), 5767; Yom Revi'i (Fourth Day of the Week/"Wednes"-day, November 22, 2006), Root & Branch Information Services
Chapter Six: "Dry Run"
In early September, 1994, the folks responsible for the Rabin assassination sting conducted a wide ranging practice round. Seventeen Jews were arrested and held without charge for days. Later the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] and Police proudly proclaimed that they had busted the "Vengeance Underground", a "Jewish militia" which planned to stage "terror attacks" against Arab villages and against the bastion of the P.L.O. {Palestine Liberation Organization] in Jerusalem, Orient House.
The seventeen were charged with conspiracy to commit murder. There was an immediate problem with the conspiracy charge: None of the accused knew each other. The only thing they had in common was being framed by Reserve Brigadier General Yisrael Blumental of the I.D.F.'s [Israel Defense Forces'] Hebron Brigade and Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] agent, Yves Tibi.
Of the seventeen, the most publicized case was against Lieutenant Oren Edri, who was arrested while serving in Lebanon and charged with supplying explosives and training to the alleged underground. His real crime, like all the others, was associating with the Jews of Hebron. He was incarcerated for two months in a vermin-filled cell; when his parents visited him for the first time after his arrest, they were utterly horrified to see that his face was severely rat-bitten.
Other arrests were nearly as scandalous.
One example: Blumenthal [Reserve Brigadier General Yisrael Blumental of the I.D.F.'s Hebron Brigade] gave Uri Baruch blueprints for making a rifle silencer and Baruch was arrested the next day for planning to construct silencers for the "Underground". The only proof was Blumenthal's planted evidence.
Eventually all charges were dropped against Edri and Baruch as they were for another 13 "conspirators". The only members of the phony "Underground" who stood trial were two brothers, Yehoyada and Eitan Kahalani. On June 18, 1995, I met with the attorney who represented their appeal; he was kind enough to supply me with secret and guarded internal documents of the Police and Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] on condition that he be referred to as "The Attorney" and not by name.
The Attorney explains:
"In February, 1996, the Kahalani Brothers were sentenced to 12 years each in prison. This came as a complete shock to almost everyone in the legal field. I decided to try and cheer the boys up by offering to prepare an appeal pro bono. I became dismayed when it was rejected and drew some conclusions.
The first is that the case was directly connected to the Rabin assassination. The same people in charge of Avishai Raviv and the frame-up of Yigal Amir, also framed the Kahalani Brothers. Yves Tibi took his orders from Eli Barak, head of the Jewish Department of the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services]. And [Hezi] Kalo and [Carmi] Gillon were Barak's superiors".
What The Attorney did not mention was that Defense Minister General Yitzhak Rabin was the ultimate superior officer of the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] and must have been all too aware of the operation which led to the imprisonment of the Kahalani Brothers.
The story of one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in Israeli history begins with an egg smuggling scam. Because of corrupt marketing of produce in Israel, food products -- including eggs -- are very overpriced. [Shabak G.S.S./General Security Services agent, Yves] Tibi, who lived in the Hebron suburb of Kiryat Arba, went into business with the Kahalani Brothers smuggling eggs -- buying them from West Bank Arab producers, at a fraction of the cost of Israeli eggs, and smuggling them into Israel proper.
On September 2, 1994, the Brothers went scouting routes out of the West Bank in preparation for their new business. For that reason they were driving through obscure West Bank villages -- proof, contended the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services], that they were actually planning a massacre in one of them.
On their way back to Kiryat Arba, their truck mysteriously broke down and could not climb the hill into Jerusalem. The Brothers called Tibi, explained their dilemma, and asked to borrow his car. He agreed and everyone met in Jerusalem at 2:00 p.m. The Kahalani Brothers drove away in Tibi's car and at 2:13 passed through the nearby Arab village within Jerusalem called Batir.
At 2:15 p.m., they were stopped by a Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] jeep waiting in ambush. They were forced out of the car at gunpoint and the vehicle was searched. Two M-16 automatic rifles were found tightly wrapped in a blanket. A police squad car arrived shortly after and the brothers were arrested.
They were held in a Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] lockup without charge and without the right to see a lawyer for a week and a half. Ten days later, on September 12, 1994, they were finally charged with the attempted murder of an Arab named Ziad Shami who complained to the police that while riding a bicycle to work, the Brothers had attempted to shoot him, but the rifle misfired. The Shabak had searched for him [Shami] in Batir to "see if he was hurt or not".
A week later, Shami's cousin also complained to the police that "settlers had tried to shoot me". It was not until September 15, 1994, that the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] explained that it had rigged the Brothers' rifles to prevent them from shooting in order to catch the attempted murderers red-handed. If this sounds like an early rehearsal for the Rabin assassination, it probably was.
The literature of political assassinations has its rehearsal precedents. President Ford was shot at first by Squeaky Fromme for ecological reasons and within days by Sarah Moore on a similar pretext. John Lennon was murdered a month before the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan in 1982. Lennon's murderer, Mark David Chapman, explained that he was Holden Caulfield of Catcher in the Rye and the public accepted this unbelievable excuse for Lennon's murder. The dry run successful, Reagan's attempted assassin claimed he was trying to impress actress Jodie Foster and the public bought it, as expected.
Rabin's assassins were trying out sting operations to see if patsies could be charged without cause and imprisoned without a major public outcry. With the help of the Police and Courts, the system worked. Most of the Israeli public were gullible and apathetic enough to ignore the sting and all its implications for their civil rights.
I asked The Attorney if the plot did not backfire in the case of the rat-bitten Lieutenant Edri.
"Was anyone in the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] charged with the wrongful arrest of Edri?" he asked in return. "They got away with it and learned that the Israeli public would not protest even the atrocities an innocent soldier was subjected to. The Shabak was confident it could get away with any sting".
And with good reason, if they managed to get the Kahalani Brothers imprisoned against all the rules of jurisprudence. The Attorney showed me some sensitive documents. The first was from the Police ballistics expert Bernard Shechter, who examined the alleged rifles and ammunition of the Kahalani Brothers just as, a year later, he would examine the weapons and ammunition of the Amir brothers.
The date on Shechter's report is September 1, 1994, one day before the rifles were found in Tibi's car while driven by the Brothers. Shechter reports that he fired the rifles and they were in good working order. Allow me to stress the obvious. The incriminating M-16s were in the hands of the police on September 1; how did the Kahalani Brothers get them the very next day? There can be little doubt: The answer is, the rifles were planted.
Next, The Attorney showed me a memo dated September, 2, 1994, marked "secret", from the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] to the Police. The Police wanted the rifles turned over to them immediately for examination. The Shabak refused, citing unnamed "security" considerations.
The Attorney next showed me a report from Bernard Shechter, dated September 29, 1994. Finally, after 27 days, the Police tested the weapons and found them to be defective. Needless to say, just like the case of Yigal Amir's alleged bullets which were unaccounted for before the Police tested them, the chain of evidence regarding the Kahalani Brothers' rifles was completely broken.
But that did not bother the judges. Again, as was the case during Yigal Amir's trial, The Attorney explains, "The Court said it was not interested in who gave the Brothers the weapons, just who pulled the trigger".
There was another problem with the State's case -- initially there were no fingerprints on the rifles. The Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] explained that was because the Brothers wiped them clean. Thus, the Shabak had the Kahalani Brothers attempting to shoot an Arab, wiping the weapons clean of fingerprints and then tightly wrapping them in a blanket before being apprehended less than two minutes later.
The scenario did not stand the test of probability, so the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] came up with a new version. Yes, there actually were fingerprints on the weapon -- but not of the Kahalani Brothers. Somehow they had wiped out their prints and left other people's intact. The Police would get to the bottom of this: They tested all the prints of the arrested "Underground" members.
The Attorney showed me the police document. All "Underground" "members'" prints were examined except those of the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] snitch who most likely placed the rifles in his own car, Yves Tibi.
Shocking? It is just the veritable tip of the iceberg. Here are some of the inconsistencies listed by The Attorney in his appeal to the court:
1. Why did the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] have to go looking for a victim? No one complained against the Brothers until ten days later when the Shabak went looking for a complainant, "To make certain he was not hurt". Why, asked The Attorney, "should the Shabak think he was hurt if they rigged the rifles so they would not fire?" The first thing the Shabak officers claimed they told Shami was, "Do not worry. We are here to protect you from the settlers".
2. Shami had been previously arrested by the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] on numerous occasions for violent activity and had been imprisoned by them twice. They were well known to each other. Shami would have needed little convincing to give false testimony if he thought he was helping to put away "settlers". Shami claimed first that one of the Brothers pulled the trigger of the rifle, he heard a "tik" sound and saw the cartridge fall to the ground.
The story was patently absurd since a cartridge minus the bullet will not be expelled, if the trigger is pulled, without firing, so he changed his story. In his second statement to the Police, Shami claimed one Brother fired from a bending position behind the car and he could not hear the "tik" and did not see a bullet fall.
3. In his first police statement, Shami said he could identify the Brothers. In his second, he was tripped up by the interrogator who asked which one [of the Brothers] wore the glasses. After he answered, Shami was told that neither wore glasses. He then admitted that he could not identify the suspects.
Neither could the two Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] agents who awaited them at the ambush. So, the Police decided to sidestep the problem by not putting the Brothers in a lineup. In Court, the Police investigator explained that arranging a lineup was "logistically difficult". As was the simple task of interrogating the subjects. The Police actually disagreed in court about which officer interrogated which Brother.
4. When asked why it took ten days to make a police complaint against his attempted murder, Shami told the court, "I took it as an everyday incident". Now, even in the politically charged atmosphere of Israel, being shot at point blank is not an everyday incident. So, someone decided to beef up Shami's case by bringing in an employer of his who testified that the next day, Shami had told him what happened. But the defense had produced Shami's work card which proved he had gone to work on the 2nd, just after the alleged murder attempt. Why did he not tell his employer about the incident that day? The employer then changed his story. Now Shami did tell him the same day.
5. Why did Shami's cousin complain to the Police on September 9 that two "settlers" pulled a gun on him? The Kahalani Brothers were already locked up, so it was not them who did it. Was the little village of Batir targeted by "settlers" who
were "terrorizing" the citizenry with failed "murder" attempts? Did the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] or Police follow up on the complaint or was it a simple, perverse attempt by a family member to save Shami from perjury charges?
6. Shami reported that he had left his bicycle on the spot and run away. The two Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] ambushers reported that the bicycle was gone and that Shami must have rode off on it. To explain away this problem, Shami insisted that as he was running away, he flagged down a Peugeot van driven by a friend, returned to the crime scene and picked up his bicycle. The Shabak ambushers had to have seen the Peugeot van if it existed. And Shami could not name the friend who drove the van, so he again altered his story to the Police. This time the Peugeot was driven by a stranger.
7. Shami insisted that one of his assailants held a rifle to him. The Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] ambushers admitted they never saw anyone actually holding a rifle.
8. The policemen in the squad car accompanying the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] jeep at the ambush somehow did not witness the arrest of the Brothers. The squad car followed the jeep but the view was hampered by the "dust kicked up by the jeep". By the time the dust settled, the policemen saw the brothers held on the ground at gunpoint, the rifles in the blanket beside them. The dust, then, took at least two minutes to settle.
9. Shami told the Police that the first thing the Kahalani Brothers asked him was, "What's the time?" When asked in Court the first thing they [the Brothers] asked, he [Shamsi] replied, [they asked] "Do you have any money?"
10. Police Warrant Officer Zeiger testified that a bullet clip was pulled out of the Brothers' backpack at the time of the arrest. Unfortunately for Zeiger, no fingerprints of the Brothers were found on the clip. Further, the Police log of
September 2, 1994, reports that the clip was found in the defendants' home. In short, officer Zeiger was caught lying. But then, who wasn't?
The verdict of this case was to be read on November 6, 1995, but it was delayed until November 15 because of the murder of Rabin on November 4. On November 15, the Court found the Kahalani Brothers guilty of attempted murder.
"That verdict", says The Attorney, "was directly related to the assassination. If the Kahalani Brothers sting operation did not result in a conviction, people might have started asking questions about Yigal Amir. I asked associates in the Shabak [G.S.S./General Security Services] how the Brothers could have been convicted in the face of such an abundance of obviously doctored evidence. They told me there was just one possible answer: At the highest levels of the Shabak, there was a policy to delegitimize the settlers in order to justify their forced removal at some stage of the 'peace' process".
The opponents of the secret and deceitful "peace" process were thus to be turned into savage murderers. And if they were not so in reality, then murderers would have to be manufactured. It did not matter how much injustice it took, so long as the opponents of the "peace" process were viewed as barbarians by as much of the voting public as possible.
With this strategy in mind, Rabin was supposedly assassinated by a right-wing, Sephardic Jew who sympathized with the "settler" movement. The day after [Rabin's assassination on November 4, 1995], the roundup of hundreds of Jewish opponents of "peace" began and barely anyone complained. Within several weeks, the Israeli army pulled out of six West Bank regions without so much as one protest sign blocking the way.
In February, 1996, the Kahalani Brothers were supposed to appear for sentencing. Only one, Eitan, arrived. Yehodaya was not capable of hearing his twelve-year sentence.
A few weeks earlier, Yehodaya was transferred to another cell block. He was talking to his mother on the phone when an iron pipe smashed down on his skull, crushing it. He went into a deep coma from which it appeared, at first, he might never escape.
Yehodaya's last words to his mother were, "They put me in here with murderers".
Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov from Modi'in,
Barry Chamish
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Thursday, November 23, 2006
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