Friday, June 22, 2007

President Bush and Sec. Rice Support Teaching Hate

From: Israel Resource News Agency
Friday, June 22, 2007
Subject: Palestinian Authority curriculum
At this critical juncture in negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, which now take place with the direct encouragement of President Bush and Sec'y Rice, I would like to take this opportunity to ask if American citizens will prevail on President Bush and Sec'y Rice as to refrain from funding the anti-semitic curriculum of the Palestinian Authority, which is overseen by Palestinian leader Machmood Abbas, AKA Abu Mazen.

The other question is whether American citizens will ask President Bush and Sec'y Rice as to whether they will insist that Abbas cancel his curriculum.

Sincerely Yours,
David Bedein
Bureau Chief, Israel Resource News Agency
President, Center for Near East Policy Research
Foreign Correspondent, Philadelphia Bulletin
tel. 972 2 530 0125

Phila Bulletin: June 20th, 2007:
Will Bush Fund 'Education For War' Curriculum?

PA's "Humanitarian Needs" June 20th, 2007

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