Sunday, June 03, 2007

South Africa under black misrule to revise history

Hi David,

Maybe you should consider the point of view that puts forward the idea of the Bantu (Black South Africans of East African Descent) as Colonialists!

I noticed that Thabo Mbeki said in a speech earlier this week, that Geographical as well as Place Names had to change throughout the country. He particularly mentioned names in the Eastern Cape that show that the Boers were the first people in the western half of this province.

In particular he wants the name of the "Bushmans River" (which splits the Province in half) changed, because as it stands, the whole world can see that this is where the Boers and Bushmen first met! The Bushmen had been travelling West to get away from the invading Nguni Xhosa Tribe (Mbeki's People), while the Boers had been travelling East to get away from the expanding Dutch Control.

It was only much later, when the remaining Bushmen had trekked North, that the Boers, while hunting and herding, came across the first Bantu (Xhosas) about fifty miles East of the Bushmans River, in the Fish River Valley.

Mbeki knows that this TRUE HISTORY of the Eastern Cape must be wiped out at all costs... the ANC text books already have the Bushmen as being from the Cape, which is just not true. The Hottentots were from the Western Cape and never travelled nearly as far East as the TrekBoers!
(Note: all of this is a period of history from the 18th and Early 19th Centuries... ie. long before the Great Trek to the interior and Natal.)

Boere Greetings
Cape Native