Wednesday, July 18, 2007

It's YESHUA - not "Yeshu" (a curse)

Christians should be aware that the deceitful use of "Yeshu" by unbelieving Jews instead of Jesus or YESHUA, is cursing Christ as it is an acronym in Hebrew calling for his house/generations/family to be cut off/destroyed.

ימח שמו וזכרו (yemach shemo vezichro), meaning "May his name and memory be obliterated."

If such dishonest folks (with their unwarranted hatred against the holy name of YESHUA - what chutzpah!) are so uncomfortable around Christians and refuse to use Jesus' proper name, YESHUA, they should stop being hypocrites and follow Judaism to the Jewish Homeland and avoid places like the History of Christianity forum where YESHUA will be mentioned many times.

CAPAI: Christians Against Proselytizing Among Israel

Jews Should Follow Judaism to Israel!

A Jewish Homeland

The GOOD NEWS is that the Two Witnesses will help prepare the Jews for their prophesied repentance that will welcome Yeshua to return and liberate Jerusalem from the European Beast and European False Prophet who will pollute the holy Temple of God upon the Temple Mount.

Jews to Receive Jesus as Israel's King!

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives

The Great Mideast Commission: Reaching the Cities of Judah