Sunday, October 28, 2007

Barry Chamish to lecture on Rabin in NY

by Barry Chamish

On November 3, 2007, the eve of the 12th anniversary of Yitzhak Rabin's assassination, I'll be in NY telling the truth of the murder. And even more. I'll tell the assembled about the hit squad led by Israel's current president which organized the Hebron massacre of 1994, the murder of Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi and the, all but murder, of Ariel Sharon. Come one, come all, bring the kids, leave your reality at home and join us at:

Motzei Shabbos Kodesh – Otherwise known as Saturday Nite
On November 3rd – Eve of the anniversary of the Rabin Assassination
You can mark 12 years of deception by attending Barry Chamish's
SUPER LECTURE in Crown Heights, Brooklyn at 8 PM;
Maple Street Shul
612 Maple Street
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Directions can be found on google maps or your favorite location finder.
Light Refreshments will be served – Cover charge $10
Books and DVDS's will be on sale. For $15, a package of a book and DVD, both called Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, will be made available.
The evening is being hosted by
For further information use the email address:

Barely a fortnight before, the Israeli establishment was shocked by the poll which revealed that:

Poll carried out last week by Teleseker of a representative sample of
500 Adult Israeli Jews for Maariv the week of 5 October 2007 and
published in Maariv on 8 October 2007. Statistical error 4.4 percentage points.

Percentage believing Yigal Amir's claim that he was not behind the murder: General population 28% Religious 46%

And how did the murdering mafia react? In the midst of an electronic barrage which attacked cable tv and the airport, the spin doctors wasted the dying nation's last resources by going into high gear to cover the truth. And it's not working. The latest poll of Israel's Right show that 71% believe in MY conspiracy thesis and only 15% still believe the government. (see Notes). Still they try. Oh how they try!
First, Maariv's Weekend magazine, put patsy Yigal Amir on its cover with a satirical jab at the poll results. All that did was prove, through the back door, that Israel did not believe its mafia governors. So the same paper was utilized to publish "an expose" that the police found explosives at the Amir home on the night of Rabin's murder.
And it only took 12 years to publish the "findings."
Hebrew readers and listeners, enjoy the coverup. Actually, even those ignorant of the holy tongue will enjoy photos of the event. The text proves the snitching cop was employed by the Secret Service (Shabak) from the night of the murder to whitewash it, but, unless you plan to learn Hebrew to read the site, you're stuck believing me. URL two is the government's tv station rehashing the big lie: =

Then, the Shabak called out its usual guns. Even if no one believes them anymore. It seems an unnamed American millionaire is backing a new movement, called, most originally, The Committee For Democracy, to rush to Amir's aid. Now, this committee believes Amir knocked off Rabin, but that's good as far as it's concerned. For years, I have been called a radical "Right Winger" by the Israeli media, even though many of my views actually reflect a leftist or centrist view. The reason is Shabak manipulation of the Rabin murder into a Right Wing cause. In fact, to understand Rabin's demise, one has to believe in the objective truth cause.

The new committee is composed of three "activists." We will skip Noam Federman who may be a minor patsy. But the other two committee members are dangerous operators. For an in-depth investigation of their activities, buy my book Bye Bye Gaza. If you keep reading, you'll get the details.

Avigdor Eskin organized a highly publicized reading of a death curse, The Pulsa Dinara, outside Rabin's house a month before the murder. On Amir's 30th birthday, he brought a birthday cake to Beersheva Prison where, somehow, most fortunately, media film men were there to record him pummeling a cab driver who objected to his birthday celebration.

But most frightening, Eskin was the matchmaker between Amir and his lovely screwball bride, Larissa Trimbobler.

Amir never married Larissa There was never a rabbi, a witness, nor a ring in prison.There is no license at City Hall... Just like Jonathan Pollard's "marriage" to Esther. But because some Rabbi somewhere found a loophole, he decided he was married. But that does not give him any legal right to conjugal visits. He is watched 24 hours on camera, so HOW did he get Larissa knocked up?

Yes, we now learn, he did so because he wants to be at his son's brit (circumcision.) Someway, he impregnated his lovely "bride." Leave it be said, without high level cooperation, this pregnancy would not have happened. And it certainly stops unsightly gossip of how he agreed to betray his "friends" as a Shabak stoolie.

The story of Larissa is weird. She left her hubby and 4 kiddies with his blessing to "marry" Yigal. But at last report, she lives in the same home as her "real" family. Such is domestic bliss in Israel.

Committee "activist" two is Itamar Ben Gvir. He was used to deflate any resistance to the pullout of Jews from Gaza. In doing so, he left some 400 people incriminated by the police. Two of the victims, Daniel Pinner and Shimshon Cytryn, who faced serious assault charges, are still too dumb to understand that they were had by him. Others now know it. As Jonathan S., a former Hebron "radical" tells me, "I'm really not surprised. I always suspected he was. His actions are just too provoking and counterproductive to be for real. He's never actually done any serious actions that have accomplished anything, just got his picture taken in the newspaper enough times."

After his role in defeating the Jews of Gaza was exposed, numerous sources named Ben Gvir as a Shabak agent, including the newspapers Hatsofe, Makor Rishon, activist Nadia Matar, Knesset Member Arieh Eldad, and me. He threatened to sue Hatsofe but satisfied himself with Eldad and me. Eldad issued a public and humiliating apology, but I refused. So in preparation for my trial, I contacted a close associate of Eldad's, who lives in Efat. He agreed to tell me: "Arye was a sitting member of the Knesset Committee on Security And Foreign Affairs. So was, then, Shabak head Avi Dichter. He stood up and told Dichter, 'How dare you plant a lowlife agent like Ben Gvir in the National Camp.' Dichter rose and answered, "I swear he's not one of ours. He works for Police Intelligence.'

And out they rolled, after Maariv revealed that almost a third of secular Israelis and half the religious, told pollsters they believe Rabin was rubbed out in a conspiracy, by inference, of Shabak head Carmi Gillon, bodyguard Yoram Rubin and led by President Shimon, Feh, Ich, Peres.

With me temporarily out of the picture, the Rabin murder truth is run in Israel by egotistical hacks, each hoping to gain a little notoriety with wrongheaded ideas about what happened. But I'll be in New York on the evening of Nov. 3 with the facts on paper and videotape. Join me.