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Brit Am Israel
Brit-Am is an organization centered in Jerusalem capital of Israel and comprised of Jews and non-Jews.
Brit-Am traces the Lost Ten Tribes to Western Nations. The evidence that Brit-Am relies upon is Biblical in the light of Rabbinical Commentary supplemented by secular studies.
Brit-Am avoids the discussion of religious differences between Judah (the present-day Jews) and the Lost Ten Tribes represented by "Joseph".
Brit-Am has three main aims:
Research -finding where the Lost Ten Tribes went to.
Revelation -Publicizing the Results of our Research.
Reconciliation - Working towards the eventual re-unification of Joseph and Judah.
Topics discussed on the present site include The Ten Lost Tribes and everything about them.
Questions of Brit-Am Israelite Identity: Captive Jews, Chosen People, Israelite Ancestry, Ephraimites, The Two Houses, Returning to the Land of Israel, "British-Israel" versus Brit-Am.
Bible Commentaries: Nachmanides and Rashi on the Ten Tribes being in the west, The Five Books of Moses and Promised Blessings, Joshua, Judges, Psalms, Prophets, Prophecy, Isaiah, Obadiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Micah, Malachi, Amos, other Biblical Books, Bible Codes, Biblical History and Archaeology.
Physical Ancestry: DNA and its questionable validity on ethnic questions, Biblical Physical Anthropology, Ancient Hebrew Racial Types, Pictures of Ancient Israelites and Neighboring Peoples.
Khazars: The Israelite Ancestry and Western Relationships of the Khazars.
Megaliths: Dolmens, New Grange, Stonehenge, Correct dating of Megalthic Monuments that outline Hebrew Migratory Paths as Prophesied in Jeremiah 31.
Tribal Identities: Tribe of Dan, Tribe of Joseph, USA (Manasseh), "Machir" first-born son of Manasseh gave his name to "America" (Ha-Macheri" in Hebrew) and this name means Capitalism, "Menasseh" means Responsibile Representation, Ephraim is Britain along with Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and part of South Africa. Issachar, Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, Gad, Norway, Naphtali, Ireland, Simeon and Dan, Wales, Dan, Simeon, and Ephraim, France, Reuben, Holland, Zebulon, Belgium, Benjamin, the Jews: Judah, Benjamin, Levi, plus representatives portions of all the other Tribes.
Historical Studies: Israelite Migrations, Linguistics, Cimmerians, Scythians, the Hiberi-Celts, The Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, and Normans, the Scottish and Irish, Franks, and Scandinavians.
Articles by Yair Davidiy, Rabbi Avraham Feld, Stephen Collins, Cam Rea, Stephen Spykerman, and others.
Contemporary Events: Jerusalem News, Regular News Reports from the Land of Israel and Israel-Related News from overseas. Updates on Archaeological Findings, Anthropology, and DNA.
Tribal Symbols: Star of David, unicorn, lion, Israeli Stamps.
Other Peoples: Edom, Germany, Japan, Gog, Russia, China, Korea, Tibet, Cush, India, Africa, Arabs, Ishmael, Palestinians, Philistines, Canaanites.
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Much more with new articles and information being added almost daily.

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