Monday, July 21, 2008

Croatia bows before Rome every Sunday

Croatian shops will have to be closed on Sundays as of Jan. 1 in concession to Catholic church

By Associated Press
July 15, 2008 ZAGREB, Croatia (AP)

The Croatian parliament has passed a law forcing shops to close on Sundays in a concession to the Roman Catholic church.

Frightfully, this is just the beginning... concessions... later they will demand folks receive the MARK OF THE BEAST (which includes Sunday worship). Herbert W. Armstrong was right! He warned us about this for years, and now it's all coming true.

Ban On Buying and Selling
Not only did Constantine enforce SUNday observance in the Roman empire, Pope Alexander III decreed at the Council of Tours in A.D. 1163: "Whereas a damnable heresy (Sabbath-keeping) has for some time lifted its head...and spread infection...concealing itself like a serpent in its folds; as soon as its followers shall have been discovered, let no man afford them refuge on his estates; neither let there be any communications with them in buying and selling..." (Rev. 13:17)

People were forbidden to engage in commerce with these "heretics" and "Judaizers." As the hate America/Israel movement grows and spreads across the world, fanned by Satan, blaming British-Israel and Judah for the world's problems and considering us the most serious threat to world peace, expect hatred of anything Jewish/Biblical to increase as well, leading to persecution of all those who choose to follow the Bible rather than traditions. Bomb threats won't only be made against synagogues, but against the Sabbath-keeping Church of God as well (as has happened in the past).

Remember the Sabbath

Europe's Bitter Roots

Catholic Europe in Vogue?

The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace