Sunday, September 21, 2008

WND failed to read Beyond Babylon

WorldNetDaily reports:
"Shocked by the Bible" is jam-packed with fantastic facts no one has dared to publish for general audiences.

Apparently WND and Joe Kovacs failed to read Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. Regardless, it's great to see others help spread the Word! Kudos to Kovacs!

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Beyond Babylon fulfills the need to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God while emphasizing a warning to the world; it includes the truth about our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities; about God's Sabbath and Holy Days versus Satan's Sunday and pagan holidays; about Israel's demise and Europe's rise -- these are foundational truths.

Beyond Babylon builds upon that sure foundation by pointing out that it's the sorcerer-pope, the false prophet, who presents Europe's imminent leader as the Savior of "Christian Western Civilization;" he'll perform miracles in his presence urging Europe to remodel themselves after the "Holy Roman Empire" (Rev. 13:14). Together they'll create a counterfeit Kingdom of God.

Beyond Babylon also explains -- FOR THE FIRST TIME -- why there are two witnesses, what their mission and purpose is, why they're stationed in Jerusalem and how they fulfill the Elijah role.