Is A World Dictator About to Appear?
by David Ben-Ariel
The Plain Truth magazine announced in 1966, "Just as the Catholic Church once interposed her order on nations and peoples, she again is proposing to establish a 'Christian order' which alone is able to guarantee peace. To this goal the resources of the Church now are directed.' So said the late Pope Pius in a Christmas broadcast on December 24, 1951" (Plain Truth, July 1966)....
The Plain Truth also encouraged its readers to "Look for the Vatican to exert more influence in European affairs. Yugoslavia and the Vatican have resumed full diplomatic relations--a move that could lead to further ties between the Vatican and Eastern Europe.... The pope, encouraging European political unity, stated, 'We note with pleasure that the German government contributes actively to the achievement of this aim.' Vatican influence over European affairs is destined to grow in the months ahead" (Plain Truth, Aug./Sept. 1970)...
Is a world dictator about to appear? Yes! Now, in our time, we'll see just how influential this German pope is in implementing Germany and the Jesuit's Grand Design. The German pope will promote a leader for the theo-cons and they'll fall for it.
Germany will win WWIII -- and their EU jackboot will be permitted to stomp on the American, British and Jewish peoples primarily. But their days are numbered as Providence has given them 3 1/2 years, and God will judge them if they engage in overkill and show us no mercy. God will let Europe conquer us, but that doesn't mean God approves of them turning into a bloodthirsty beast.
O Israelites! Who could beat Great Britain in battle, or whip the U.S. in war, when God shed His grace on thee? Europe could never knock us down and kick us around -- until now! Because God's refining our gold in the furnace of affliction, and purifying our silver through great tribulation (Isa. 48:10).
Europe is not without sin: God's going to deal with them shortly (Deut. 32:27-43). Europe's simply the last vestige of Babylon, the scarlet daughter of the pagan Gentile system, destined to crash at Christ's coming (Dan. 2:34). They're simply building up God's case against them: European leaders will be brought to trial and found guilty! God's going to close down their occult operations, and burn their whorehouse to the ground! Strangely, it'll be the Europeans themselves who torch the place (Rev. 17:16), yet they don't return to God but continue to follow their Nimrod and actually fight against the real Jesus (when He returns from Heaven in full view of all mankind).
Europe's going to be burning mad, and their citizens express fiery indignation, when they realize the full extent of Rome's manipulation! For awhile, it'll seem that it served their selfish interests to support the Catholic Church. Both big business and the political community will endorse this new global enterprise (Rev. 18:9-11).
Europe's Roman Catholic roots will have appeared to be a stabilizing force, giving different nations some common ground. But the "Catholic services" haven't come cheap: they'll escort select politicians to power, delivering them the people's vote, in exchange for strict enforcement of Church policy. Within the framework of the "Holy Roman Empire," they've laid the groundwork for Europe's immediate future!
The Vatican is working out a deal with 10 European kings, with seductive offers of restoring them to political life upon their now dormant thrones, in return for the favor of acknowledging the supremacy of the pope and his chosen political partner. The ratification of this imminent Church-State union will be swept through by the malignant miracles the pope will perform in the presence of Europe's new emperor! The pope will mislead the people to presume his miracles are proof that Providence has chosen such an individual to rule Europe and save the world (Rev. 13:14).
Europe's body politic awaits this infusion of soul to truly come alive. What crisis will occur to coerce Europe to hastily accept the pope's proposal to recreate the continent in his image? A hungry Russian bear? An interrupted oil supply or Iranian nuclear threat? Nevertheless, Germany stands ready to defend the Catholic faith and Western "Christian" Civilization against destruction, but in doing so will actually ignite World War III!
The German-led European Union will bring mankind to the brink of utter destruction, demanding DIVINE INTERVENTION to save everybody on Earth from extinction (Matt. 24:22). The good news is that the legitimate King of Kings and Lord of Lords from Heaven will return and do just that! And the wannabe divine emperor will be history, so help us God.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Is A World Dictator About to Appear?
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