Sunday, October 23, 2005

Blame bloody Rome for anti-Semitism!

“We must never forget,” observed CHRISTIANITY TODAY (March 9, 1992), “that anti-Semitism had its roots in the theology and practice of the Christian church, from the writings of the early Church Fathers [100-350 C.E.] through the Inquisition, even in the comments of Martin Luther.”

We must never forget that anti-Semitism doesn't have any roots in biblical Jewish Christianity, only in a corrupted, paganized version pimped by that Babylonian Mystery religion of counterfeit Christianity, the Catholic whore and her Protestant prostitute daughters that the New Testament CONDEMNS.

I am neither a Catholic or a Protestant, having come out of such a spiritual BABYLON to be a real follower of Yashua, so I reject any blood libel for professing Christian anti-Semitism that belongs on bloody Rome alone! The same bloody Rome that has persecuted Sabbath-keeping Christians, the true Church of God, whenever they're empowered to do so. And the former holocaust was only a trial run of a far greater time to come, the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" that will target the Anglo-Saxons (Joseph) and Judah, the "Great Tribulation" that will demand divine deliverance to save us from total annihilation! GERMANY and the VATICAN will again be the cruel instruments God sends against our hypocritical nations.

For Zion's sake,
David Ben-Ariel

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