Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Is George Bush Jewish?

Posted by "Brit-Am Now"-604

David Ben-Ariel: George Really Is One!
From: David Ben-Ariel
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-603
1. Nazi Claims George Bush is Jewish!
( I bet it is news to him!)

Rather than merely ridicule the idea, refute it if possible. I hadn't
heard of that interesting book before but it APPEARS real. G-d knows.
What we do know is that President Bush is Jewish in part, of the House
of David, by his descent from the British Royal Family, scions of King
David's dynasty.

Shana tovah,
David Ben-Ariel

Brit-Am Comment: For all we know George Bush may be descended from the Bush Jews of the American Revolutionary Era mentioned in the pamphlet. There are those that claim that statistically a VERY LARGE percentage of inhabitants of the USA must have some Jewish ancestry of comparatively recent date.