Monday, October 24, 2005

Not just a Jew-lover, I love Israelites too!

im glad youre not a jew hater.

I'm not a Jew or Israelite hater but hopefully one of the healers of the
so help me God.

isnt it marvellous how hated the jews are. yet some euros like to boast
abt. how their brethren the 10 tribes settled nw europe & the americas

The murderous hatred of some Western Israelites against our Jewish
brethren is inexcusable. But the smug attitude that some Jews have that
dismisses the importance and biblical place of the "Lost Ten Tribes" in
God's Plan of Salvation for all mankind is also inexcusable (Ezekiel

May both Judah and Joseph (the leaders of all 12 Tribes) repent of
such sibling rivalry (Isaiah 11:13) and grow up and become all that we're
meant to be: a Kingdom of Priests, a Light to all Nations (Ezekiel 37).