Saturday, October 22, 2005

Herbert W. Armstrong was RIGHT!

For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong warned that a European combine - driven by Germany - would again thresh the nations. Now GERMANY'S BACK WITH A VENGEANCE! Their Assyrian power and influence grows daily while the Israelite American and British peoples continue their nosedive to oblivion. This was all prophesied. Herbert W. Armstrong's book The United States and Britain in Prophecy makes this abundantly clear. Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall further explains, as a companion volume of sorts, what's prophesied to happen next.

Why will the United States of America fall? Why is Europe destined to win World War III? Why have we permitted Germany a permanent military base in Alamogordo, New Mexico? Are we just crying wolf? Yes! BEWARE THE BEAST OF EUROPE!

Biblical prophecy reveals that just prior to Christ's return, Europe will experience an imperial restoration. The final revival of the so-called "Holy Roman Empire" is a COUNTERFEIT KINGDOM OF GOD. Their last emperor will be presented as the "King of kings." The Catholic pope, the false prophet, will promote the head of Europe's superstate as a DIVINE EMPEROR! All who fail to pay homage to the Vatican's anointed will risk unemployment. Those who refuse to recant will suffer death. A great martyrdom awaits many of the true saints! (Revelation 13; 17:12-18). Watch for the pope to get more active in politics. EXPECT THE VATICAN TO PROMOTE ITS CANDIDATE TO LEAD EUROPE!

The prophet Daniel foresaw this unholy alliance between the Catholic Church and European Royalty (Daniel 2:44). He announces their debut on the world stage (built by mortals) just before the truly divine Kingdom of God is established. Christ will blow them away and put an end to their show! Jesus will be a smashing success as He brings the curtain down on them! (Daniel 2:34-35). Europe's puppet kingdoms will collapse and any foolish attempts to fight against GOD'S LEGITIMATE SON will fail (Psalms 2:1-9). All such campaigns will come to a miserable end (Revelation 19:11-21). The only hope of survival is to serve the true God of Heaven and Earth (Psalsm 2:10-12).

Europe's Dark Kingdom

The Vatican's working out a deal with ten European kings, with seductive offers of restoring them to political life upon their now dormant thrones, in return for the favor of acknowledging the supremacy of the POPE'S ANOINTED! The ratification of this imminent Church-State union will be swept through Europe's Parliament by the MALIGNANT MIRACLES the pope will perform. The pope will work his lying wonders in the presence of Europe's new EMPEROR! (Revelation 13:13-14).

The masses will be misled to presume the pope's miracles are proof that Providence has chosen such an individual to rule Europe and save the world (Isaiah 47:12; Acts 8:8-10)! Europe's body politic awaits this infusion of soul to truly come alive. What crisis will coerce Europe to hastily accept the pope's proposal to recreate the continent in his image? A hungry Russian bear, stirring from an imposed hibernation? An economic collapse or threat of another war in the Middle East or major terrorist attack on Europe? Time will soon tell!

GERMANY is clearly the HEAD of this emerging EUROSTATE (Isa. 10:5-6). The German churches have already left their mark on the Maastricht Treaty with the Vatican's seal of approval. As reported in The Economist article, "Never on a Sunday," an ominous blue law was forcibly inserted in Europe's grand design. Could this be the cornerstone for their reconstructed Europe? This greater Church-State collaboration ought to be of grave concern to every individual and country that cherishes religious liberty and national sovereignty.

Europe's Downfall

As America's on the way down and out, Europe's on the rise and circles overhead like an eager vulture! But their callous treatment of God's chosen will result in their PUNISHMENT! As they hold us in contempt, refusing to let us go, they'll influence God's decision to hold them hostage: in DESTRUCTION! (Isaiah 47:6).

God doesn't condemn Europe for bombing our cities or attacking our countries, but God damns them for their pride and excessive punishment! They'll engage in an orgy of overkill! And they'll fatally attribute their military success to their politico-religious system! (Isaiah 47:7-15).

EUROPE'S ARROGANT ATTITUDE will be their downfall (Daniel 5:20)! Once they start thinking that they're so high and mighty, so eternal and invincible, God's going to overthrow their ignorance! (Revelation 13:4). He'll forcibly bring them back down to earth and make them face reality! "Therefore her pagues will come in one day - death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her" (Revelation 18:8).

Sounding the Alarm in Zion

We must warn the world! (Joel 2:1). They've got to be told what's about to happen! It's good news/bad news! The bad news is Europe's on the rise and will deport our people "beyond Babylon." The good news is that EUROPE WILL FALL! (Revelation 18:2). We must offer the hope and comfort that there is life "beyond Babylon" (Isaiah 35:3-4). Yes, "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, says your God" (Isaiah 40:1). And how do we do that? By reassuring captive Israel (all twelve tribes) that THERE IS A GOD OF JUSTICE! (Malachi 2:17; Psalms 58:11). The roles will be reversed and the tables turned! (Isaiah 40:3; Revelation 13:10; Jeremiah 30:16). God will make war on those who declared war on us! Our captors will become our slaves! All will be forced to acknowledge that we truly are God's people (Revelation 3:9; Isiah. 60:14).

God's vengeance will result in our deliverance! (Isaiah 49:24-26). "And shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night to Him, though He bear long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man comes, shall He find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:7-8). The Two Witnesses will boldly proclaim "the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God..." (Isaiah 61:2).

Let's trust in God to do as He's promised. Let the Sabbath-keeping Church of God remain faithful to God as we've promised, finishing the Work He's given us to do (Matthew 7:21; Luke 21:36). Everything's moving quickly towards the fulfilling of these mighty prophecies! Europe's counterfeit kingdom's on the rise, but soon - enough is enough - "the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever!" (Daniel 7:18).