Tuesday, November 01, 2005

EU jackboot to stomp Israel!


Israel to Retreat at Rafiah Crossing in Favor of EU Observers
20:50 Nov 01, '05 / 29 Tishrei 5766
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

The Sharon government has completely dropped demands to supervise the Rafiah crossing and will allow the EU to place observers there, a step the PA hopes will lead to more concessions.

Reader's Comment

Name:David Ben-Ariel
Hometown: Toledo, Ohio, USA/Menashe
Title: EU jackboot to stomp Israel
First observers, then "peacekeeping" troops, then the brutal betrayal of Israel by
the fascist EU and all of Israel occupied, stomped under the EU jackboot, just as
forewarned in the Prophets. http://beyondbabylon.blogspot.com