Pace of Immigration From Ethiopia to Double
14:58 Nov 11, '05 / 9 Cheshvan 5766
By Nissan Ratzlav-Katz & Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Even as India successfully pressed for a halt to conversions to Judaism in Manipur and Mizoram, Ethiopia agreed to double the number of Jews emigrating to Israel each month...
What poverty-stricken Gentile wouldn't opt to become a "Jew" or claim to be a descendant of Menashe ben Yosef (Manasseh son of Joseph) to achieve instant prosperity with a move to Western Israel? Shame on the rabbis who turn a blind eye to the LEGITIMATE sons and daughters of JOSEPH - the Anglo-Saxons - who ALONE have the identifying biblical birthmarks of fulfilled prophecy! The others claiming to be Jews or Israelites are converts to Judaism at best, and rarely legitimate descendants of ethnic Israel and Judah.
Indian Jewish CONVERTS are not Menashe!
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