Whenever I say such biblical things, I offer the biblical proof. Those who contemptuously dismiss the plain truth can only ridicule, they can never refute what I say because what I share is simply what the Bible teaches.
And "unorthodox" according to who? To those who are steeped in traditional error, who have rejected the Word of God for their own ideas. Nevertheless, like my brother Paul stated for the record when accused of being "very unorthodox" (and gladly so):
Acts 24:14
14However, I admit that I worship the God of our fathers as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect. I believe everything that agrees with the Law and that is written in the Prophets....
You call the Holy Trinity blasphemous.
The demonic doctrine of the "trinity" is just another RELIGIOUS LIE of pagan "Christianity." The word is never used in the Bible, it's clearly from the pagan religions Rome adopted, and Paul addressed his inspired letters to the Father and the Son and NEVER the Holy Spirit as a separate entity. Daniel and the Book of Revelation both show the Father and the Son with their thrones, and never mention or show the Holy Spirit as a separate entity with its own throne.
You said that the Holy Spirit is really just an essence of the Father
The Holy Spirit is what the Scriptures teach: the essence or power of God. It is definitely not a separate entity.
and that the Son is the literal male child of God, and is not equal to the Father.
Yashua is equal to His Father in holiness, in character and composition, as we shall be also, but in authority the Father is "all in all" and Yashua clearly revealed the Father is greater than Him.
John 10:29
My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand.
John 14:28
"You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.
You said that this world is a sort of reproductive cycle for God, and that Jesus was the first child, and that we are all equal to him and shall become as him upon death. The Holy Spirit is the essence of God which allows this transformation into... I'm not sure what? Do we become gods too?
That which is born of the flesh IS flesh - human - that which is born of the Spirit IS Spirit - divine. Truly converted Christians are God-Beings in the Making!
You say the Jewish dietary laws and other laws are still in effect, and that those Christians who eat pork and don't celebrate the Jewish holidays are sinning in the eyes of God.
That's what your Bible teaches. Yashua did not come to destroy the Law and the Prophets but to make them even more binding, by magnifying the spirit or PRINCIPLE of the Law that includes attitude and action, the letter and the spirit of the Law, and Yashua said whoever taught against them wouldn't be thought of too highly in God's Kingdom. Rebellious traditional "Christianity" - like their father Satan the devil - hates God's law and aren't in the holy process of conversion that writes it upon the tablets of our heart and mind.
You said that the English are the descendents of the lost tribes of Israel
Don't you believe the Prophets? God gave us clear prophetic birthmarks that would identify the "Lost Ten Tribes" in these last days of civilization as we know it. God has fulfilled His Word and we glorify God for His faithfulness in this great regard. The Plain Truth About the "Lost Ten Tribes" and Why You Need to Know!
and that Germans are evil and the antichrist will arrise from Germany.
I've never said the Germans are inherently evil. The Germans have been warlike and fierce like their Assyrian ancestors, starting WWI and WWII and Scripture indicates they'll ignite WWIII, but ultimately they will be the third with Israel and Egypt. God will permit the German-dominated European Union to take out our hypocritical nations and they're warned to remember to show us mercy once they've defeated and deported us or God will permit the Asians to ravage Europe with their 200 million man army.
You claim that all Christian denominations are really pagans, and that the Catholic Church is the antichrist.
The Catholic whore and her Protestant prostitute daughters are exposed as the Babylonian Mystery religion dressed in the drag of Gentilized traditional Christianity. Such a vile religious belief system is clearly identified by their pagan holidays and heathen customs and Gentile ways of Sunday, Christmas, Easter and every other unclean thing that Christ hates and doesn't want to be associated with, unlike the true commandment-keeping Church of God that rejects such idolatrous traditions for God's Word, however unpopular or politically incorrect.
Also, I would like to know- do you believe the followers of the "pagan" denominations go to hell, as followers of non-Christian religions do? What about the priests and leaders? What about the Jews?
The Sabbath-keeping Church of God know our God and Bible well enough to know that your traditional belief in "hell" is just another RELIGIOUS LIE spouted by your Babylonian Mystery religion that misrepresents God to be the sadist that Satan has proven himself to be.
We believe you are held accountable for breaking God's holy commandments, especially after He brings it to your attention that you may confess and forsake such sin, walking in your new light of understanding.
If you reject such light to return to traditional darkness, you've condemned yourself - whether to suffer from the nuclear flames about to scorch the Earth or to be utterly destroyed in the future Lake of Fire - we gladly leave that judgment with God where it belongs. Meanwhile, check out "To Hell and Back."
Presently, as the Bible clearly reveals, there are only a chosen few who are being called to salvation at this time. The vast majority won't be called until Christ reigns on Earth and has restrained Satan from his deception of the nations. If our professing Christian nations refuse to let the Truth set them free, they'll go into national captivity.
Many of these issues and more are addressed within Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall with plenty of Scriptures to keep you busy and your mind on the things above!

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