Monday, April 03, 2006

Elad: Jewish pioneers in Jerusalem

Jewish Pioneering Continues in Old City

17:28 Apr 03, '06 / 5 Nisan 5766
By Hillel Fendel

Members of the Elad Settlement Association have moved into two areas in the Old City of Jerusalem, where 20 Jewish families are set to live. The goal is to anchor Jewish presence all over the city.

I am pleased to hear of the continual growth and holy liberation of greater areas of Eretz Yisrael by the pioneering Elad organization. I am pleased to High Heaven to have been able to visit them when they first bravely moved in to Silwan/Shiloach in 1991, as noted within Conflict in Jerusalem.

I hope to live in Shiloach soon, the City of David, b'ezrat HaShem!