Monday, April 03, 2006

Have the Israelis given up?


copyright (c) 2006 by Rabbi Yehoshua Friedman []

LIBERATED YERUSHALIYIM, D.C. (David's Capital), Liberated Israelite Tribal Territories of Yehudah and Binyamin, Kingdom of David and Shlomo, United Israelite Kingdom of Yehudah and Yosef, Yom Rishon, 4 Nisan, 5766, Root & Branch Information Services [] []:

A Reader Writes:

According to the news this morning (Wednesday, March 29), the Kadima Party won the election. What amazed me was the comment, it was the lowest turn out since ISRAEL became a nation. Do the people want this type of government? Why the low turn out? Have the people just given up? My heart aches for ISRAEL as well as for my country (UNITED STATES).

Rabbi Friedman Answers:

Yes, a lot of people have given up. They have been manipulated with lies and money for so long that they have had it. It is very sad. They realize that it does not make any difference who they vote for because the political leadership is managed by the elites of the military/police/"security"/business/legal system & media. If you are not part of the ruling elite, you are controlled. If you do nOt play ball with them, you can get run out of business, thrown out of your home, sometimes arrested, often harassed.

The election was a very tricky business from the beginning. Sharon portrayed himself as right-wing, but he was a crony of Peres for very many years. Sharon created the Likud, turned it into the Likud'nt and destroyed it. He cynically used holy Jews who settled the Land for the pursuit of power. When he was finished with them, he threw them away like used toilet paper. He not only threw them out of their homes but left them with chaos afterwards. He then got his comeuppance with a fatal stroke which may have been caused by the last cup of tea with Shimon Peres or may just have come from G-d. Whatever it was, it happened very quickly after the uprooting of GUSH KATIF. I assume that you know much of this story.

Kadima was from the beginning a party of vested interests. Suddenly after Sharon broke away from the Likud and formed Kadima, not only the Right but the Left as well found themselves the neglected step-children of the media. The polls were manipulated to favor Kadima. The people were too smart for that and Kadima kept dropping. The Labor Party, having been taken over by Amir Peretz, was not sufficiently reliable and losing popularity.

So the operators pulled the ultimate dirty trick. I do not know yet how they did it, but they did it. They ran the Pensioners' Party, the sort of protest list that usually never gets in, but they worked it out so that this time it would. In the TEL AVIV area, the ambient political misery that causes people not to vote or to vote for a useless noise that would have no chance of getting in was channeled to the Pensioners.

The person put up to head the Pensioner's Party was 79-year-old Rafi Eitan, former high-ranking Mossad officer who was Jonathan Pollard's handler years ago. Eitan was quoted years ago as saying that had he been on the scene at the time he would have seen that Pollard was killed to avoid any political and diplomatic fallout. But here is this apparatchik representing himself as both the voice of the economic victims of the Sharon-Netanyahu government and the savior of Pollard.

Naive voters who did not do their homework voted for Eitan in numbers. He will now turn around and put Olmert's coalition over the top. Olmert will be able to have a majority without counting the Arabs. The next government will not last very long, but it will work fast and energetically to destroy another 20-30 communities in JUDEA and SAMARIA and take the next step toward de-Judaizing the state of ISRAEL.

A few religious guys are also being paid to say that everything is all right.

All the best to all of you.

Shavua Tov and Chodesh Tov from Liberated Kochav HaShachar,
Rabbi Yehoshua Friedman

Board Member, Root & Branch Association, Ltd.;
Chairman, Noahide Fellowship, Root & Branch Association, Ltd.;
Faculty Member, chesder (military) Yeshivat Ma'alei Ephraim

Rabbi Friedman and his wife Janet are among the original founders of Kochav HaShachar, a Jewish Pioneering Community in the Israelite Tribal Territory of Eretz Binyamin (Land of Benjamin), located in what is today known as the Shomron (Samaria).