Monday, April 17, 2006

Radio Free Israel responds to The Economist

Shmuel HaLevi of Radio Free Israel responds to the Economist article, "The last conquest of Jerusalem."

Gentlemen, I presume,
There are few things that raise honorable persons hackles more than anonymous fabrications passing as information. Productions made with the intent of implanting obviously special interests groups goals into the public minds. Your publication has regretfully yielded as it has fallen also to that level previously only reached by the most unethical press. Your publication has made its entry into that gang of the untrustworthy.
In retrospect, more and more one understands the reasons for the calamitous decline of both the US standings everywhere and the corresponding decay spreading along those that associate with the State Department, Whitehall and other petrodollar financed facilities.
As to Jerusalem...
Jerusalem never was or will be for long a center for any other than our People.
At the risk of being repetitive, the Koran does not include Jerusalem and we will keep it that way, your interests notwithstanding.
In the other hand. The Bible and other Judeo-Christian central documents do so, profusely and clearly. That stands.

About two hours ago I returned from Jerusalem. I am a Levite, direct descendant of the Gershonite family, as my name indicates and today my Nation's ordained Cohanim, Priests, performed again what is known as the Priest's Benediction. An ancestral proceeding.
Having some extra time to look after our Heritage there, we also visited the Temple's underground remains and other relics. That was of course, from before the Roman hordes destroyed the Temple. That was then and this is now.
I am sure you are aware of the facts, and we must deal with another fact and that is that you choose to fabricate new ones fitting the omnipresent British intents for us as a Nation and the rather flimsy State.

The article in your publication, THE LAST CONQUEST OF JERUSALEM, misrepresents the truth and we will not let that pass by unattended.
The British people and those that assume to speak for them must internalize the following.
What was taken from our Nation will be, in one way or another, returned by those that usurped our Land and artifacts.
That includes what the Romans transferred to Rome and that is now in the Vatican and anything else taken by anyone else that assumed as theirs our National Heritage.
And here is the information we recommend you to accept.
The British Empire and its local controlling instruments are forever gone from the region.
All inimical insertions into our Land will be carefully erased. All of them.
We, as opposed to others, intend to do that as humanely as possible, but done will be.
And no, I did not fail to mention that other name by being forgetful. It is just that we do not know what that name represents other than Roman or other European associates ultimate intent to destroy our Nation.
Basically then, Whitehall, the Quay, the Kremlin and State will have to redo their plans. Now.
Should you desire to inform your readers accurately we can provide you real maps or I can refer you to the Bible's description and limits of our Land.
That is all.

SHmuel HaLevi
Radio Free Israel
Eretz Israel


Radio Free Israel

Shmuel HaLevi is a Jew, Father, Grandfather, Husband, Teacher, "Gaucho", radio aficionado and Senior Engineer for the U.S. Department of Defense Avionic Programs who has worked on combat aircraft from the F-16 to the B-2 and from the F-15 to the F-117 to the A.V.-8 and A.H.-64, C-17, C.O.H.-58, C-130 and A.T.F. A (seldom used) Consultant for the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Mr. HaLevi is a U.S. D.o.D. Certified Trainer and Graduation Officer for the Israeli Ministry of Education, writer for the University of Tel Aviv Technology Center, Quality Assurance Engineer and patents holder. Presently, Mr. HaLevi serves as the Laboratory equipment technologist supporting key foreign equipment manufacturers.