Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Plain Truth/Philadelphia Trumpet in Israel

From: Trudy Gefen
To: davidbenariel
Sent: 5/1/06
Subject: Herbert W. Armstrong mentioned in Israeli newspaper

Just received the May 2006 issue of The Philadelphia Trumpet. Very interesting articles: The Deadly Holy Roman Empire, a frightening article "Israel's Final Chapter" (G-d forbid) and From HERO to OUTCAST. The other articles I have left to read another day, as I got a bit too depressed by the aforementioned. Of course, I've been reading this magazine (formerly The Plain Truth) almost continuously since the first one fell into my hands in 1965 here in Israel (at the Weizmann Institute) and have been either elated by what I have read, or upset. Usually, the latter. Luckily I have the Bible to which I turn to whenever the blues descend upon me, and invariably after reading some pertinent prophecies which present more pleasant and optimistic promises than the invariably grim warnings in The Philadelphia Trumpet/Plain Truth, my spirits are uplifted and my determination to remain in Israel strengthened more than ever, in spite of my fears for the welfare of my loved ones - and indeed everyone living here.

Still, I am not looking particularly forward to the Final Days even though a very good Christian Zionist preacher friend living here in Israel (we've been friends now for about 20 years) told me that the safest place to be in those days will be Israel. Yes, it will be hard, he said, but what will rage outside Israel will make our experiences look like a picnic in a hurricane/tornado. After all, he said, the safest place to be is in the eye of a storm. You get battered, but not as badly as those on the outside as the hurricane/tornado sweeps all before them. I hope he's right, though at the same time I pray for the safety of all the good people out there too.



Herbert W Armstrong and Worldwide Church of God Mentioned in Israeli Newspaper
By David Ben-Ariel

An Israeli newspaper ran a favorable article about a Worldwide Church of God member serving as a volunteer at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan near Haifa.