Sunday, May 07, 2006

US Govt. Controlled by Zionists?

The problem is that the US govt is controlled by Zionists.

Would to God that were true! Then you wouldn't have the US government pressuring Israel to surrender holy land to sworn Arab enemies, expelling 10,000 Jews from their homes in Gush Katif for terrorists. Zionists don't make areas of the Jewish homeland JUDENREIN, falling for the big lie of "land for peace." Israel has a lot less land and still no peace!

Even IF our US government were filled with Zionists, which it's not (Zionists support the restoration of Jews to all parts of Greater Israel), they would have been ELECTED into such offices. Sounds like you have a problem with Jews and democracy, not to mention reality.

What some hatefully spew as "Zionists" are actually godless Communists, Socialists and other unclean leftist loons. Such secular swine shouldn't be confused with holy Zionism and upright Zionists, but Satan loves to call black white and white black and pervert and pollute terms that are otherwise good and innocent. Regardless, it's not like all Jews are leftists, just a disproportionate number who are a shame and embarrassment to all Jews.

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