Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Danger of Hiring Blacks

The danger of hiring blacks

Dwayne Morehead throws fuel on the fires of those who are convinced that too many blacks are put into positions they're not qualified for, "affirmative action" hires they become known as, and then when they get fired for lack of character or qualifications they cry "racism," hiding behind the color of their skin. It's become so frequent and so transparent in Toledo, Ohio, everybody, regardless of creed or color, ought to speak against quotas, the racist NAACP, affirmative action, and the Urban League of fools pretending to be wise.

Such irresponsible men and women, who clearly lack character and qualifications, never seem to fail to find worthless "ministers" who aid and abet them, rather than encourage them to "go and sin no more" and stop giving black people a bad name. Apparently, such shiftless ministers have nothing better to do and hope to become another race hustler like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.

May employers think twice before hiring somebody just because of the color of their skin, or as a political payback, because it can backfire and blacken the faces of all involved, as Perlean Griffin and Dwayne Morehead prove.

The danger of hiring blacks