Friday, September 21, 2007

Black racists support Jena savages

"St. John's African-American Assembly... UT's Black Student Union...[Bowling Green State University] Black Student Union...NAACP." Get the picture? All this in one Toledo Blade article about area campuses jumping on the black bandwagon to make martyrs out of thugs and feel smug about it and pretend racism is a one way street.

Where is the White-American Assembly, UT's White Student Union, Bowling Green State University White Student Union, NAAWP? Oh, but that would be "racist," wouldn't it? How glaring the double-standards continue to be -- a deplorable status quo that must end.

The institutionalized racism of reverse discrimination has got to go! No more racist "affirmative action" or quotas or hide behind the color of your skin because you lack character or qualifications!

With so many black men pretending to be ministers, racist pimps from the pulpit, you wouldn't think that the black community would have such disproportionate amount of criminals and such an outrageous rate of illegitimacy. Black community: preach to yourself! Stop blaming others for your own self-inflicted problems. Stop proving stereotypes about you are too often true; everything from you don't fight your own battles but gang up on somebody (like the black "Jena 6" against the white "Jena 1"); you're not working and supposedly can't afford to pay for your own food and housing but find the time and money to make banners and posters and tee shirts and take a joy trip down South feeling important. Educated white folks (Euro-Americans, British-Americans, Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, German-Americans, Scottish-Americans, Dutch-Americans, French-Americans, Greek-Americans, Norwegian-Americans, etc.) just shake their heads in dismay at such stupidity and misguided zeal.

Instead of trying to intimidate the justice system in Jena to pervert justice and let thugs go free, accusing them of throwing away the future of those six blacks who savagely beat the one white student, teach your illegitimate children to be responsible and stop throwing away their future by gang-banging, selling drugs, etc. Oh, but that demands at least one parent they can claim who cares enough before they get into trouble with the law and then suddenly find family and friends expressing "righteous indignation" and interest in the case.

Where are the parents of that six pack? Didn't they teach them to cherish diversity? To respect freedom of speech? Understand different views? Instead they resorted to violence to express themselves like brute beasts who can't debate or exercise enough self-control to engage in civil disobedience.

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Hatred, discrimination, racism - against whites
Black racism and "The Jena Six"

Media myths about the Jena 6