Typical opposition to the Word of God on forums:

As a moderator I need to give a warning to all those reading David's posts: He is promoting a cult. Herbert Armstrong was a cult leader

As a moderator I need to give a warning to all those reading David's posts: He is promoting a cult. Herbert Armstrong was a cult leader

As a Bible-believing Christian, I need to encourage folks to be noble like the Bereans and search the Scriptures to see whether these things are so, and to remember the early Sabbath-keeping Church of God was also falsely accused by those proud and stubborn religious people who preferred idolatrous traditions over the plain truth of the Bible. God is witness.
Acts 24
14 But this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they [traditionalists] call a cult, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets.
Acts 28
22 But we desire to hear from you what you think; for concerning this sect, we know that it is spoken against everywhere.
Do You Prefer TRADITION Over Truth?
Is The Plain Truth Too Strong?
The Plain Truth about Herbert W. Armstrong & the Worldwide Church of God
I really do not understand the first part of this particular blog. Herbert Armstong was not a "cult" leader. David, I really appreciate your enthusiasm for the subject matter, but the European superpower is not imminent, neither is the downfall and captivity of the modern-day Israelitish peoples. There are too many events that must take place before these things occur, not the least of which is the alteration of powers in the spirit world. This is something that true Christians will be aware of when it happens.
Shabbat Shalom/Sabbath peace Larry,
The first part of that post was taken from a professing Christian forum I'm on that "warns" people about my support for the plain truth of the Bible Herbert W. Armstrong faithfully taught.
I know Mr. Armstrong wasn't a cult leader, but show those who accuse him of it that Paul was also so falsely accused and the early Church of God not too popular with the "religious" people who were stuck on their traditions.
I disagree with you concerning the timing of Europe's rise and the nations of Israel's downfall and believe true Christians do recognize this fact, even though others are prophesied to be asleep on the job at this most critical hour.
Time will tell, eh?
The downfall of modern-day Israel is predicated on the moral collapse of the people. While this may already appear to have happened to a casual observer, it is not true...yet. There are MANY righteous and faithful people in the USA, not so many in the British nations, but still quite a few. The prophesied events of Daniel and Revelation are actually dependent on the spiritual health of the Church. While there are not as many folks (percentage wise) professing Christianity as in the past, those that do do it voluntarily. We are all anxious for the return of Jesus Christ, but it will happen when it is decided at a spiritual level, not by mankind's desires or timetable. Abraham was considered the greatest man who ever lived, and all he ever did was WAIT.
Larry, some may be fooled by the appearances some keep up, but others know the hypocrisy of the "religious" that has been exposed, time and again, is only the tip of the iceberg.
Besides, how can you even remotely imagine a moral majority would tolerate the abomination of abortion, and practically every other form of idolatry and immorality, in this professing Christian country?
I'm sure those who have been lulled into thinking things really aren't so bad will have a rude awakening when divine judgment catches them off guard. I'd rather be safe, than sorry.
"Shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?"
David, things will get much much worse before God's government is established on the planet. Remember the lessons of Sodom and Elijah. God would not have destroyed Gomorrah if there had been just 10 righteous inhabitants. And Elijah, thinking that he was alone in a country choked with idolatry, was surprised to hear that there were yet 7000 who had not bowed to Baal. Yes, the sins of this country are obvious to all, but there is much work to do yet and many yet to be called.
Yes, there is much work to be done - to the shame of the Church of God - and it could be done quickly, if folks didn't have the "my Lord delays His Coming" attitude and fail to have a sense of urgency and basically want to shirk their responsibility and leave it to the Two Witnesses to pick up their slack.
The Church of God is preaching too much to the choir, and not getting the Word out to the general public to the great degree possible, playing Church when there's Work to be done.
God let Judah fall for Sabbath-breaking primarily, and our countries not only break the Sabbath, we keep pagan holidays and have such a bloodbath of abortion Elijah couldn't have even comprehended it.
Abortion: Blood of Innocents (Jeremiah 7:31)
Hitler Will Judge Us!
The Church of God Must Warn the World!
Remember the lessons of Jerusalem during Jeremiah's day who thought they wouldn't fall because of the Temple and how the Jews in Jesus' day were "moral" and even kept the right Sabbath and holy days but didn't have the right attitude and the rest is history.
The fact God warns the "watchman" about being careful not to fail to properly warn, should be a warning that it's not only possible but probable and then we must ask why, and it very well could be because the "watchman" didn't believe what he was seeing right before his eyes, or didn't want to believe it, or made up all sorts of excuses because to truly warn would invite persecution. God knows. All I know is much more could and must be done to expose our nation's sins to our people, so help us God.
The Church of God Must Warn the World!
I would rather have a sense of urgency than complacency. Sounds like Philadelphia versus Laodicea.
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