Monday, September 17, 2007

Truth be told: Globalist Bush betrays American troops

Apparently I sent Globalist stooge Bush betrays US for German-EU to Craig Wolfe and received this hostile reply:


To: davidbenariel

Sent: 9/17/07 12:15:10 AM

Subject: RE: Globalist Bush

Keep your anti American comments and thoughts to yourself. Let me ask you something coward. Assholes like you thast claim to support our troops, how? How can you support someone doing something you don't agree with. Also it is a fact that our troops me being one feel totally abandoned by democrats because we you you don't support us and we know your kind are going to be the undoing of this country. Liberals have already destroyed America. Now you want to go world wide.

Dear Craig Wolfe,

As an American who is a descendant of 3 American presidents and two Mayflower Pilgrims, any comments I have concerning MY country are not to be twisted as "anti-American." If you think lockstep approval of everything our globalist president and globalist senators do is somehow patriotic, you're a FOOL and a USEFUL IDIOT for them.

Some of us love our troops apparently more than sheeple like you do, because we want them to be used only to truly protect Americans, not to be used in endless meat-grinder hot spots overextended around the globe while the industrial military complex gets rich off their blood money.

I am far from a liberal, and am more conservative than most conservatives, so your hateful diatribe is without foundation from get-go. Besides, it is both liberals and blind conservatives like you who have destroyed this country, while truly patriotic Christian citizens like me are exposing the sins of both your parties and calling for NATIONAL REPENTANCE. Otherwise, the German-EU will deal us the death blow: believe it or not.

If you're not prepared for honest discussion and debate that "We The People" need, preferring to think you know it all and have no room for growth or improvement, then I need to know which group or whatever you're with so I can delete you from my address book since I don't see your name in it right now.

Truth be told,

David Ben-Ariel