Sunday, April 06, 2008

Ellis Washington


My name is Ellis Washington. I am a law and political commentator for WorldNetDaily and author of several well-regarded books and scholarly articles on constitutional law, international law, politics, philosophy, critical race theory, culture & society. The story of my intellectual journey can be found at:

On March 17th I made my newspaper debut in a column published in the Christian Science Monitor titled - ”Tyranny of a 'reasonable' gun ban. (See:

I'm also doing a new series exclusively on Detroit for WorldNetDaily (Thurs.) where I propose bold, new solutions to old, intractable problems affecting the city of my birth, where I went to school (Lillibridge, Bagley, Remus Robinson, Cass Tech [Class of 1979]), where I was an editor on the Michigan Law Review and went to graduate school (University of Michigan), and where I presently attend church (Hartford Memorial Baptist).

The crisis of leadership in Detroit is very entrenched, endemic, pathological and apocalyptic. Liberalism is killing my people here in Detroit and in big cities, in medium-sized cities and small towns throughout America. We must change the minds and hearts of the people in order to usher in a NEW DETROIT! -- A paradigm for big-city problems plaguing all of America.

Finally, after 4 1/2 years of research, I have just completed my 5th book: The Nuremberg Trials: Last Tragedy of the Holocaust (University Press of America, 265 pp.). This books is a unique and important work on the legal--philosophical origins of the United Nations, the Nuremberg Trials and international relations in war crimes trials jurisprudence, post-Nuremberg up to the present time. To order call: 1-800-462-6420, promotion code = "UPREPUB." This info can also be found in the bio section at the end of any of my WorldNetDaily articles below. TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! As soon as I get 100 pre-publication orders, my book will go to press for the general public by June 1st. Thank you in advance for your support.

I've included two websites that carry my Thursday and weekend columns. If interested I am available for interviews and lecture appearances. Email is the best method to reach me.


Ellis Washington, J.D.

Commentator, WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily Weekly Columns by Ellis Washington


Radio Interview on WJR, AM 960 - 03/18/08 - Debate about the crisis of leadership in Detroit: Minister Malik Shabazz vs. Ellis Washington