Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Respect Freedom of Speech

Excerpts from a forum:

When a so called religious leader like Rev never Wright slanders the country he lives in he should be punished the same as if he slandered an individual.
"THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT INVENTED THE HIV VIRUS TO KILL PEOPLE OF COLOR". Bullshit! That is a lie, a cannard, a prevarication, a falsehood, whatever you wish to call it. There are people in the ghettos of Chicago who will believe BS like that. Though their ignorance or that they wish to believe anything bad about white people (de govment be white). People could be hurt by such BS. I believe in free speech. But only if it is the truth.

Gravatar Greyrooster: And how can "We The People" always determine, beyond any shadow of a doubt, what is truth? Are we to put the fear of fascism into the hearts of all, so that none will even dare speak the truth or what is known or believed to true, even if not acknowledged by the powers that be?

And who determines the truth? The corrupt government? A certain political party? A particular church or religion?

Look at the vile Israeli oligarchy and that bloody vulture Shimon Peres who had Yitzhak Rabin murdered and blamed it on the right; Look at Hitler's Germany who wouldn't have tolerated the "lie" that Jews aren't the enemy of all non-Jews.

Whether those in the ghettos, or those in the suburbs, those in the churches or synagogues, or anybody in your local bar, choose to believe this or that is their personal prerogative and personal responsibility - it is definitely not the government's business to think for them, and to "protect" them from real or imagined falsehoods, myths, propaganda, etc.

It's better to respect freedom of speech, especially something you strongly disagree with - and if and whenever somebody says something that can be proven WRONG, then let whoever is miffed, those whose feathers are ruffled, report it or take them to court and go from there - otherwise we'll all be enslaved.