Saturday, December 06, 2008

David Ben-Ariel: "a little known blogger"

A little known blogger

Re: Is David Ben-Ariel a Terrorist?

"a little known blogger"
Do terrorists get on their computers and link to their own advertiser driven blogs in every post?

I confess that I am a man of many blogs, "a little known blogger" (as Gerald Flurry's hostile ad describes me), but I am driven, I am energized, I am motivated - not by profits, but by the Law and the Prophets, and the Writings and the Gospel, Acts and by Revelation: my godly agenda is to dare to share the plain truth of the Bible and history, as an e-vangelist reaching the Internet world.

I'm sure my detractors, who hate my presence "all over the Internet," as they often bitterly complain, would strongly disagree that I am "a little known blogger." LOL. And, God knows, I've only just begun!

Apparently, Stephen Flurry has gotten too big for his britches and has foolishly forgotten the humble beginnings of the Philadelphia Church of God, when the leadership of the Worldwide Church of God mocked they wouldn't last 5 months and were "a peanut shell on a big ocean going nowhere," and refused to even acknowledge or read Gerald Flurry's book! (Peanut Shell) Much like the PCG has treated me and Beyond Babylon!

All this reminds me of an earlier encounter with Stephen Flurry's haughty attitude in 2001, unlike their hostile ad misled we allegedly only had some "communications" in the early 90s when I've had plenty of communications with many of their ministers over the years: Response by Stephen Flurry to Judean Voice ad

Those who read that blunt correspondence between Stephen Flurry and myself, will see that I have remained consistent and persistent in my constructive criticism of the Philadelphia Church of God, and in doing all that I can, with what I've been given.

This was written in 2005:

Now living in East Toledo, Ben-Ariel sends his views to the world via two web sites and numerous internet forums. Google his name and you’ll get 4,860 references. David’s been a very busy man. And now he’s written a book called Beyond Babylon; Europe’s Rise and Fall. He calls the book, “God’s final warning before the German blitzkrieg begins.”

East Toledoan calls his book, Beyond Babylon, God’s final warning