Thursday, December 25, 2008

Release Ramos and Compean: FedEx President Bush!

From WorldNetDaily:

FedEx President Bush

The clock is ticking on the effort to free Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, who are serving sentences of 11 and 12 years respectively for the shooting of an illegal alien drug smuggler in the line of duty.

Monica Ramos embraces her husband, Border Patrol agent Ignacio Ramos, two days before he was sentenced to 11 years in prisonThe drug smuggler received only minor injuries and was given full immunity from prosecution by the federal prosecutor in return for his testimony against the agents. (Learn more)

President Bush leaves office January 20. Until then, he has absolute power to pardon or commute the sentences of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.

But time is running out.

WND has organized an easy and inexpensive way for you to make your voice heard by President Bush on this matter.

At this busy time of the year, you can help restore the Ramos and Compean families by simply signing on to the following letter to President Bush. It will be sent to him—delivered to the White House by Fed Ex couriers—along with thousands of others. Imagine the message that will send!

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Bush:

I know I speak for millions of other Americans with this letter urging you to pardon or commute the sentences of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean - the two Border Patrol agents currently serving prison terms of 12 and 11 years respectively.

Do this, sir, as a merciful act of compassion.

Offering these two men mercy is not an admission of any wrongdoing on your part or on the part of your Justice Department.

It's just the right thing to do.

This letter is not written to reopen old wounds or renew an argument about who was right and who was wrong. It is written to heal wounds and end the arguments.

You have offered dozens of pardons already as your second term winds down. On Jan. 20, 2009, you will hand over the reins of power to a new president. But before you do that, you have absolute, unquestioned authority to make whole the lives of some hurting people. In addition, you can restore confidence in our judicial system in the minds of many Americans who can't sleep at night as they consider the suffering and anguish being experienced by the Ramos and Compean families.

I urge you to do this because the Ramos and Compean sentences are not proportionate.

I urge you to do this because you have compassion in your heart.

I urge you to do this as a way of bringing healing to our country.

I urge you to do this, most of all, for the sake of the wives and children who are punished as severely as the imprisoned agents because of their continued incarceration.

The clock is ticking.

January 20 is right around the corner.

Please find it in your heart to restore officers Ramos and Compean to their wives and children before you leave office.


Your Name
Your Address

If you send this FedEx yourself, it will cost you about $13. But by joining others in this WND campaign, we can bring the price down to just $7.95 complete—including all shipping and handling charges. In addition, WND pledges to send a portion of the proceeds directly to the Ramos and Compean wives, Monica and Patty...

Click Here to Rush Deliver This Letterto President George W. Bush

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