Saturday, December 06, 2008

Gershon Salomon on Beyond Babylon

Gershon Salomon, Jerusalem, Israel (4/20/2005)

Dearest David,

A warm shalom from Jerusalem. I trust that you are well and that the blessings of G–d are upon you. It was so good to hear from you and to receive your book. It s always a privilege to hear from you. Thank you so much for sending the books which we received and read with deep interest. Unfortunately, I am still too busy to write my book but at least I have already started it. We pray that soon your desire to come to Israel will be fulfilled. We deeply appreciate and love you. You are a deep brother for all of us and all the people of Israel. Naomi sends her greetings as well as Ze’ev.

May the G–d of Israel bless you.

Your very good friend and brother in Jerusalem,

Gershon Salomon

The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement Temple Mount Faithful