Friday, January 30, 2009

Almost complete SA slideshows!

After reading James Michener's book, The Covenant, I wanted to visit South Africa and while serving as a kibbutz volunteer in Israel I met plenty of white South Africans, some of British descent, others of Dutch, and a few colored girls. The one colored girl (mulatto), Celeste, was roommate of my best British girlfriend Donna at Kibbutz Sdot Yam and said, "You must visit South Africa" and invited me to stay with her family in Athlone, Cape Town.

My German roommates' girlfriend at Kibbutz Reshafim was Debbie, a white girl from South Africa. When I was staying at Kibbutz Ha'On and seriously thinking about visiting South Africa, I received a letter from Debbie saying I must visit South Africa and not to worry about where to stay and such, so I wrote and told them all I was on my way and was there for 7 weeks, three with Celeste's lovely family. Both gracious families took me around and showed me the sites!

I say almost complete SA slideshows because I misplaced a few of my favorite pictures that I remember but can't find. Such is life, eh?

Suid Africa! (South Africa) photo album 1
Suid Africa! (South Africa) photo album 2
Suid Afrika! (South Africa & Zimbabwe) #3
Suid Africa (South Africa) 4
Suid Afrika (South Africa) 5