Sunday, January 11, 2009

Threatening email

Re: Is Obama guilty of sedition or treason?
From: All Mighty Dawg
Subject: Offensive Remarks
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009

Dear Mr. Ben-Ariel, I have read your most recent offensive remarks on the WND forum and your own blog. I am forwarding your seditious and treasonous remarks to the FBI. It is a federal felony offense to threaten the President-elect.


No wonder you call yourself dog. Go right ahead and bark since it's apparent to reasonable folks that I have not threatened anybody and never would. You have no case, but the case grows against anybody trying to become president of the United States of America who isn't qualified according to our beloved Constitution.

Go learn what freedoms of speech and religion are all about and appreciate them and our Republic that some are out to undermine.