Obama's Frightening New Attack On The Constitution
By Robert Moon
Washington Examiner
Imagine how people would have reacted if President Bush had been caught trying to sneak through legislation that would have illegally given him the power to take over and destroy any financial institution he pleased, on a whim, with zero checks and balances. That is what Democrats are quietly rushing through Congress for Obama. It's called H.R. 4173 and it is already through the House. If it is signed into law, Obama will literally gain the kind of terrifying, un-checked power usually reserved for fascists and Third World dictators
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The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, could be stopped in his tracks if EVERYBODY would demand their representatives demand, "Where's the Birth Certificate?"
It's better to be a smart Birther than a dumb COLBer! The treacherous creature from Kenya has already run rampant for too long, trampling the Constitution, disrespecting We The People and wrecking our Republic. Hussein Obama must be stopped!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
It's better to be a smart Birther than a dumb COLBer!
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