Anti-Semites Attempt To Exploit Anti-Government Conspiracy Theories
#10. To: McCain_Rocks (#0)
Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "These anti-Semites are exploiting anti-government sentiment in the hopes that their message of 'blame the Jews' will catch on with ordinary Americans. Thankfully, so far, the vast majority of Americans aren't buying into that hateful message."
Abraham Foxman, like too many Jews, is a hypocrite living in a self-imposed exile rather than constructively move to the Jewish homeland where Judaism teaches Jews belong. After all, "It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness."
Although there are some useful idiots (who are exploited to broad brush all who don't deny uncomfortable facts about Jews, who are abused to mislead folks to throw the baby out with the bathwater) who fail to note the difference between UNJews (the Hellenists, the globalists, treacherous Jews) and Zionists, who distort the facts that Jews, in disproportionate number, have been instrumental in anti-American, anti-Christ, anti-Torah, anti-white movements and machinations, the facts remain the same - Jews, in disproportionate number, have been instrumental in anti-American, anti-Christ, anti-Torah, anti-white movements and machinations - and those facts are routinely hatefully ignored, shamefully downplayed, or smugly dismissed rather than honestly addressed and put in proper perspective, throwing fuel on the fires.
It's not that the majority of Americans aren't "buying" into the message some deliver, but have been sold out for years, dumbed down and brainwashed by the hateful media and politically correct cultists (and their treacherous tentacles like the racist NAACP, hypocritical ADL and self-righteous Southern Poverty Law Center, etc.) to believe the Jews are some innocent lamb, above reproach, off-limits, and/or remain ignorant and indifferent (more bread and circuses anybody?) to these facts that are typically suppressed.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Jews, in disproportionate number, have been instrumental in evil
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