Wednesday, December 14, 2005

C.A.P.A.I. - Christians Against Proselytizing Among Israel

C.A.P.A.I. is founded by Moshe-Mordechai van Zuiden, as reported by the Jerusalem-based Root and Branch Association, to whom I've responded:

Shalom Mr. Moshe-Mordechai van Zuiden,

I am opposed to anybody - Jew, Israelite or Gentile - becoming a convert to the counterfeit Christianity of "traditional Churchianity." Such popular error misrepresents true Christianity with its Babylonian mystery religion dressed up in the drag of "Christianity."

True Christianity, as taught by Herbert W. Armstrong, merely announces the soon coming Kingdom of God to be established by King Messiah, Yashua. We don't seek converts or believe it's our responsibility to "save" the world. If God wants to save the world, it will be saved. There's no contest between God and the devil, contrary to traditional myths.

I encourage you to call upon Jews not to be hypocrites against "Christian" proselytzing while remaining in a self-imposed exile, far away from the Jewish homeland, and having the chutzpah to preach against Jesus in such professing countries, as I've seen on too many forums. Mind you, these forums I refer to were not legitimate Jewish responses to efforts to convert them.

Most sincerely,
David Ben-Ariel

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