Tuesday, December 06, 2005

President Bush is committed to relocating our embassy to Jerusalem?

While running for office, George W. Bush spoke for moving the embassy to Jerusalem and it SOUNDED great. Sad to say, once in office, President George W. Bush continues to put off the holy issue just like President William Jefferson Clinton did, suspending the move, sitting on the fence, rupturing themselves and their professions of being a Bible believer.

If Presidents Clinton and Bush were truly Bible believers they would immediately move our American embassy to Jerusalem and stand their holy ground without apology, especially to Arab countries who we can't trust for a second and who will never be pleased as long as we're not Muslim.

Office of the Press Secretary
June 15, 2005

Memorandum for the Secretary of State on Jerusalem Embassy Act

Presidential Determination No. 2005-24

SUBJECT: Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act

Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 7(a) of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Public Law 104 45) (the "Act"), I hereby determine that it is necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States to suspend for a period of 6 months the limitations set forth in sections 3(b) and 7(b) of the Act. My Administration remains committed to beginning the process of moving our Embassy to Jerusalem.

You are hereby authorized and directed to transmit this determination to the Congress, accompanied by a report in accordance with section 7(a) of the Act, and to publish the determination in the Federal Register.

This suspension shall take effect after transmission of this determination and report to the Congress.


Committed? Some committment. I wouldn't want or trust such a committed "friend" (with Saudi Arabians flocking his ranch and telling him how to drive the misguided Road Map to hell).