Monday, December 26, 2005

Papal Official Wants to Divide Jerusalem

Papal Official Wants to Divide Jerusalem
14:30 Dec 25, '05 / 24 Kislev 5766
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

The Arab League and a Vatican official separately, but simultaneously, are campaigning for Israel to divide Jerusalem. The PA recently asked to the Pope to help make the capital part of a new state.

EU Jackboot to Stomp Jerusalem!
David Ben-Ariel, Toledo, Ohio, USA/Menashe (22:19, Dec-25, 05)

The increasing calls for the division of Jerusalem are the consequences of Jewish and Israeli sins against God and Israel: woefully neglecting the Temple Mount, letting Jerusalem's abomination of desolation - a Temple Mount without a Temple - shamefully continue and become the deplorable status quo. The Prophet Zechariah foretells the Gentile EU occupation of Jerusalem. Will Jews and Israelis repent and avert such a national disaster or is it too late?

The Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem