Monday, December 12, 2005

"Mohammad wept" - response to Islam

Response to Islam"
by Rabbi Avraham Feld


Chapter Title Sub-Titles Chapter Number

"Mohammed Wept" Introduction Introduction

Egypt Sues Jews From Time of Moses Civil Rights Not Civilized Christians Persecuted Chapter One

The Illegal Jihad: "Holy" war prohibited by genuine Islam Jihad and acts of suicide From the original Koranic principle to the current hate, violence and ant-Semitism Chapter Two

A Zionist Koran: Italian Council allows true Islam to shine through the cracks Chapter Three

Jewish sparks in early Islam Chapter Four

The Koran distorted and adulterated by foreign dogmas Nazism Infects Islam Chapter Five

From Islam to Politics Chapter Six

Egypt's treaty violations live on in Oslo Chapter Seven

Stop! For Clarity Purposes: A Moment of Review Chapter Eight

Modern-Day Violence and Islam-Backed Terror The Uses of Terrorism and the real hidden agenda; Origin of the name Palestine Chapter Nine

History Repeats Itself The Enemy Within: Be Your Brother’s keeper and Keep Up The Morale Among your People Chapter Ten

Dire Warnings; Unheard, Unheeded Common Sense, Truth, and Justice; The Demographic Demon is a Scarecrow; Potential Jewish Converts? Historical Background and Precedents Chapter Eleven

Double Standards! Chapter Twelve

Military Strategy The Just Must Fight For Their Rights; A Military Solution is Needed; What Does Jewish Law Say? We can learn from history; Other Religions; Christians Should be Pro-Jewish and Pro-Israel; Yair Davidiy and Brit Am; Neo-Conservatives and Christian Zionists; Muslim Zionists Chapter Thirteen

Is Peace Within Our Reach? Is Change Possible? Final Words of Encouragement Chapter Fourteen

Arabic/Nazi Hatred Continues Unstopped - The Consequence Will Be War Need to Honor the Matyred Victims; A Poem by Amir Gilboa; They Owe Us An Apology For Oslo Chapter Fifteen

APPENDIX: Some After-thoughts Disengaging reason; building Palestine upon the ruins of Israel; Demographics; American Aid; Jesse Helms: "Israel is America 's battleship in the Middle East"; HaModia (9 Iyar 5765) Enlightens Us; Parting Thought