Friday, September 01, 2006

Bloody Vatican spews hatred against Christian Zionists

Holy Land churches attack Christian Zionism
By Matthew Tostevin Thu Aug 31, 1:53 PM ET

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Vatican's envoy in the Holy Land and bishops from three other churches have launched a rare joint attack on the Christian Zionist movement, accusing it of promoting "racial exclusivity and perpetual war."


The bloody Vatican again proves how hostile it is against the Jewish Homeland, the Promised Land of Israel (which they can't bear to say out loud, always referring to it instead as "the Holy Land"), as it goes against all that their damnable replacement theology spews.

Yes, such an attack further proves that Catholics are not Christian, and that their wicked organization of Inquisitions and Crusades continues its murderous hatred against the Jews and those who love them, the Christian Zionists (who know the Bible well enough to know the restoration of Jews to the Holy Land of ISRAEL - not Ishmael - is God's Word and Will, which if the Roman Catholic Cult had its way, they could have never read and known this plain truth for themselves!). Truly, the pope's white robes are stained with the blood of many martyrs, as brought out in Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall.

Let the following information help rebuke pagan Rome and counter the vile Vatican who has a horrific history of helping Nazis, and now is guilty of aiding and abetting terrorists, Nazi-Muslims. Truly Pope John Paul's apology to the Jews was worthless and nothing but another political stunt.

Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel

God Save Us From Islam and Europe!

Robert Novak: Useful Idiot for Catholic Schemes?

Pope John Paul II Was No Saint

The Vatican Must Return the Temple Treasures!

Mt. Zion Under Siege: Who Will Be King of the Mountain?

Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin

Watch for the Vatican to get more vociferous against Israel and demand the enforcement of UN Resolution 181 by whatever means necessary.