Thursday, September 28, 2006

Dalai Lama is fool's gold!

President Bush signs into law proposal to honor Dalai Lama with medal despite Chinese objections

Shame on President Bush!

The proposal to "honor" the Dalai Lama with a Congressional Gold Medal was co-sponsored by 73 of the 100 senators, who have fallen for the failed savior (the false messiah fled with many of his followers to northern India in 1959 following a failed uprising against Chinese rule). The Dalai Lama is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The abominable Dalai Lama has proven how many are struck with spiritual blindness, falling for FOOL'S GOLD, honoring a man that should be ashamed to permit others to claim he is a god! Yet a "Peace Jam" for youth in Colorado invited the man to speak to their gullible audience, and the 20th annual Women's Conference in California invited the snake to be their featured speaker, when everybody should shun the mere mortal.

The growing and undeserved popularity of the idolatrous Dalai Lama should warn us how easily the masses get swept away when they settle for pretty platitudes and fail to examine everything in light of the holy Scriptures. We should beware getting drunk on emotion and intoxicated by foreign spirits with their seductive appeal. These appalling scenes of some swooning over Tibet's worst sinner are shades of Europe's imminent wannabe divine emperor who will wreak havoc on the world, after appearing as Europe's savior.

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