September 21, 2006
On October 23 and October 27 my traffic court trials will start at the Acco Israeli judicial facilities against me. Please take some time out those days and come visit the proceedings.
Bring along your cameras...
Of course those are not regular "traffic" cases.
As it is customary in the Israeli judicial... system, the sinister yet grotesque gangs start their assaults against targeted Jews, in this case me, at low level courts. And traffic courts fit the ticket, so to speak, so their plots go un noticed... Or at least is what they hope for.
The Karadi and his bone breaking fellowship is BUILDING up "files".
Is it the first time that that cadre does that? Nope!
Many, many other people have been also set upon in similar fashion.
Acco Traffic Courts is the location.
The occasion will be memorable but far from being what I hoped to see in what I thought was a normal state. I would have preferred to promote to the world that Israel is a state governed by decent folk, but we all know that is, regretfully, not the case since at least OSLO.
To start with SHmuel HaLevi, myself being JEWISH cannot recognize the Israeli so-called judicial system as it is not operated according to JEWISH LAW.
An added value item is the vehicle I drive in town and the ONLY ONE the military and police targeted, a green Skoda car. The car includes two digital cameras system, and we will have those details shown to the courtiers and the press worldwide.
The system was installed following advise by security experts and by me and have operated since the murder attempt against me by two IDF officers in 2004.
The fellowship was observed initially hitting the car while parked at the Karmiel bus station's deserted parking lot after I filed the police complaint against the criminals that attempted to murder me...
And then they were seen casing it during the process including the fabricated traffic violations.
Consequently and ONLY to make the occasion records viable to the demolition of the unJewish state, EVEN if extremely dangerous as the Sharon monsters will come in force, we will have appropriate video, pictorial, legal and other forms of evidence joining the circus.
It will be dangerous fun my friends because they mean to harm me and I mean to dismantle that garbage.
Some background...
After a very harsh meeting in Karmiel with then minister of internal security Ezra, formerly with the LIKUD and a beggar for my support at the Central Committee, a sequel of "traffic" tickets were issued against me by his local associates. SURPRISE!
The same day of the meeting between LIKUD Central Committee people, and Ezra, he also specially met with the police in Karmiel...
In that meeting with the Ezra fellow I demanded from him to act on a Police Complaint No. PA 23387/04, I filed in 2004 at the Karmiel Police station and one that the local cops conveniently transferred to the ill famous Zevulun police.
That was a stern complaint by me against two military officers that attempted to murder me using their car and their M-16 military rifle. Yes my friends, that was and is the Sharon and associates "Israeli demockratiahh".
I reported that to the police, the Minister of Defense Mofaz and Ezra.
The details on the exchanges will be made a jolly part in the Acco proceedings.
That crime by what appear to be Sharon prepared special anti-Jewish squads officers was effected while I was driving home from work.
The officers attacked me in traffic near the Oranim Junction. Haifa area.
What ensued after the harsh meeting with Ezra, his wife and assistants, certainly some of them GSS items, is that for about a month and a half after that meeting his police of the Karmielite extraction (but not only as we photographed some of the "officers" with them), stalked me around the three street exits from my home and gave me three citations.
And in one case another trooper stopped me just to ask me if the flag I fly is that of the "Jewish Hamas"...
A primitive campaign of persecution was set up by the above-mentioned elements by fabricating. Including... get this... Interrogations under "hazargrgrahhhhhhh"...
Obviously the idiots formulated their level of plan to defray my complaint against the Sharon monsters above mentioned.
I had no OTHER tickets of court type in 42 years of driving or since the four attacks by the police I mention above.
No accidents either.
My overall driving record in Argentina, the US, Canada, Mexico, Germany, Israel, South Africa, etc, includes two minor traffic violations total, one in the US and one in Israel many years ago.
The politzei campaign happened a while AFTER I sternly accused Ezra, in person, here in Karmiel when he met with LIKUD CC Members, for his monsters' murderous attacks on Gush Katif an FOR NOT ACTING ON THAT COMPLAINT OF MINE AGAINST TWO IDF officers that attempted to murder me in 2004.
Radio Free Israel asks you ONLY to attend the trials on those dates to witness how we intend to act and deal with the criminals.
It our intent to very sternly deal with the disgraces passing as police since Ezra formatted that with Sharon and the Peresites.
Thank you all...
SHmuel HaLevi
Radio Free Israel
Karmiel, Israel
Radio Free Israel
Shmuel HaLevi is a Jew, Father, Grandfather, Husband, Teacher, "Gaucho", radio aficionado and Senior Engineer for the U.S. Department of Defense Avionic Programs who has worked on combat aircraft from the F-16 to the B-2 and from the F-15 to the F-117 to the A.V.-8 and A.H.-64, C-17, C.O.H.-58, C-130 and A.T.F. A (seldom used) Consultant for the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Mr. HaLevi is a U.S. D.O.D. Certified Trainer and Graduation Officer for the Israeli Ministry of Education, writer for the University of Tel Aviv Technology Center, Quality Assurance Engineer and patents holder. Presently, Mr. HaLevi serves as the laboratory equipment technologist supporting key foreign equipment manufacturers. Shmuel HaLevi is former Chairman of the Likud Central Council.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Radio Free Israel Bulletin
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