“And a Great Earthquake…” (c)
by Prof. Eugene Narret
Since the Olmert-Peres government colluded with the “world community” in ceasing its half-hearted mandatory war (milchemet mitzvah) in the Lebanon against Persia, truth, little-noted, has been sprouting from the earth.
I refer to remarkable seismic activity centering on the long central valley of the Promised Land and its extension to the southern Sinai and to the foothills of its northeastern edge bordering the plain of Hamath (Images). As the encrusted shells of empires and exile disintegrate in violence and fraud we see that “truth will sprout from the earth and righteousness will peer from heaven…”
The “sons of the powers” rage, lust, fall and betray and many among the daughters of men are only too thrilled with the ride. “Arrogance is the ornament [anakmot from anak) around their necks.” They make their choices and divine Providence proceeds toward the light. We live among the birth pangs and footsteps of messiah and approach the genuine sovereignty of Israel.
The latest hamstringing of Israel, the latest affront to its obligatory war of redeeming and saving the Land occurred on August 20. Since that day of shameful ceasefire, -- no redemption of captives or land, no total defeat of Amalek -- there have been three earthquakes in the Negev southeast of Dimona where Israel has major military assets notable for their disuse. Though small, the quakes on August 21st, 29th and 30th have grown steadily from about 3.2 to 3.5 on the Richter scale.
On August 31st, 2006 at 8:10 GMT (Greenwich [England] mean time) a slightly larger quake struck a few miles east of the ancient caravan city of Palmyra on the eastern edge of Givat Abba Rabbah, the rugged plateau in central Aram (in the Franco-British state of “Syria”) whose ridges run northeast to the Euphrates at al Tibni (“my bastion”), Israel’s northeastern boundary.*
There have been additional quakes on September 01 and 03, this last was the largest one, 3.8 and also nearest to Israel’s demographic center: in the Jordan River valley about seven miles east of Shiloh, ancient site of the Tabernacle. The frequency and magnitude of the events is increasing: the future is rushing toward us…
During this period, steady tectonic shifting has occurred in the southern Sinai Peninsula along the Gulf of Eilat and across its waters in the northwestern strip of the wilderness. It seems as if the Creator of all worlds is clarifying some of the borders of Israel, asserting them in earth-shaking ways. The southernmost activity is west and northwest of the ancient Jewish oasis town of Khaibar and others (like Medina) that were wiped out by the hordes of Mahomet fourteen hundred years ago. The political and seismic reverberations are felt to this day. Wrongs will be set right; lies will yield to truth.
Observers explain that in geological terms the Arabian “plate” (which includes most of Mesopotamia, now called “Iraq”) is shifting away from Jerusalem around the African and Anatolian plates toward the Iranian plate that stretches from Pakistan to Mosul. The mountains of Israel literally are being raised up, exalted as Arabia drives toward Persia. There is no magic or coincidence here: the Holy One uses the logic, orderliness and laws of nature to reveal His design. Through His earth He will shake Iran as He used a strong east wind to split the Sea of Reeds. In fact, a significant quake occurred in the Shiite ‘holy city’ of Qom, seventy miles south of Tehran during the last week of August.
These quakes are the laughter and logic of the Holy One when He beholds the designs the nations against His portion and people, Israel His treasure. “He Who sits in heaven will laugh” and not only will He laugh last, but then “He will speak to them in His anger and in His fury terrify them” (Psalm 2). The shaking and grinding movements of the earth reminds us that even its foundations will “wear out like a garment; He will replace them and pass on.” He stretches out the heavens; He fashions and re-fashions the earth in consonance with His kindness and His truth as He has sworn to Jacob. The only constant in all these events is that He will see His servants’ children settled” in their place and their children’s children established before Him (Psalm 102:27-9).
This consideration of geopolitical and geological events reminds us that to Hashem they are one, part of His providence and truth. They recall one of the discussions in the Zohar of the end of days: “Edom will attack Ishmael, Ishmael will run to Persia, and Persia will attack the entire world.” Ishmael, Islam, especially the Arabs is father of Canaan and integrated via Islam’s genocidal antipathy to Jews, whom it terms “descendants of apes and pigs,” with Amalek, grandson of Esau who maintains war against Jacob throughout the generations (Genesis 10; 36; Exodus 17; Deuteronomy 25:17-19). This vicious alliance is noted in psalm 83 and its political and cultural dimensions are detailed by Bat Yeor in Eurabia (2004) as is explicit in its title. It will be remembered: it is a test of true kingship in Israel (1 Samuel 15).
Studying these geological movements one recalls that “truth will sprout from the earth, and righteousness will peer from heaven. Hashem, too, will provide what is good and our land will yield its produce” (Psalm 85:12-13). As the psalm denotes, these blessings will sprout when “kindness and truth,” the qualities ascribed to Abraham and Jacob meet in completion, as when Jacob returned, intact to Shechem where Abraham built the first altar to the Holy One (Genesis 34-5; 12:7). Only when all Israel returns will “righteousness and peace have kissed.” The integration and wholeness (shaleim) of Israel the nation and the people is the root of shalom. Until Israel is complete there is no peace.
Thus there is distress in the world, politically, economically and geologically. And thus there is distress in the anti-Jewish, quisling government in Israel. But those who cherish the Jewish people and nation “shall not be afraid when the earth is transformed, at the collapse of mountains in the heart of the seas” or “when mountains quake in His majesty.” The shock to come will be greater than the earthquake in the time of King Uzziah: the Mt. of Olives will split and a river of cleansing and purification will flow to the western and the eastern sea, summer and winter; its streams will gladden the city of God (Psalm 46; Zechariah 13 – 14).
The Golden Gate, sealed by the Turks will crash open; the abomination on the holy will collapse into the caverns Ishmael has himself created beneath it. The comforter will bring his gift to Hashem: majesty and compassion to Israel and thence to the world. The Jewish messiah, the man of righteousness will bring true sovereignty to Israel.
The longer it takes for human beings to fulfill this purpose, the more delayed is Israel’s milchemet mitzvah, the more harshly will the Eternal One cause truth to sprout from the earth in the form of earthquakes and their common sequel, tidal waves. At every level of the creation, from ideas and alliances to geology, the klippot are crumbling. Lies and false ideologies become more garishly obvious and unfulfilling: violence increases.
One way or another, Israel will complete its milchemet mitzvah and will be complete. “Nations are in turmoil, kingdoms totter: He has raised His voice, the earth dissolves.” The God of Jacob will be exalted upon the earth, a stronghold for His people, Israel.
In the meantime, Ishmael and the Bear (Persia) rampage and Edom spews apologetics and armaments. The Olmert government, seeking to avoid responsibility for its bungling “runs back and forth crying, “Where shall I go. What shall I do?” The regime is the spent husk of Labor Zionism; the worn out shell is breaking apart and its flickers of light soon will be released by the glow of the true Jews of the heartland. It is as if tectonic plates were pushing Israel to rise like a lion and shine... to raise the banner of the lion and the ox, “one nation upon the hills of Israel.”
Like dreamers we have already seen it; the abundance and joy will be great and complete and genuine will be the peace for those who have sown so long in tears.
*Tibni also may refer to the “straw,” mixing straw or to hayfields that mark the edge of many farms and which, even at the outermost borders of Israel the nation is commanded to defend, “even the stalks of straw at the edges of your fields” so essential to Judaism is the integrity of the entire land and milchemet
Visit Professor Eugene Narret's website for news and biblical analysis at IsraelEndTimes.com
Editor's note:
I am a Christian Zionist, so Prof. Narret and I have different views as to whom the King of the Jews, the King Messiah of Israel is, but we share a great love for the God of Jacob-Israel, the Land and People of Israel (all 12 Tribes - especially the two leading tribes of Joseph [ox] and Judah [lion]), and the Bible. (Whether or not Prof. Narret concurs about the Israelite origins of the West, specifically the Anglo-Saxons, I'm not aware. The Brit Am Israel organization researches the "Lost Ten Tribes").
May my fellow Christians glean what they may from Jewish Prof. Narret's articles, as I do and enjoy them immensely for everything they offer.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
“And a Great Earthquake…"
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