Sunday, August 20, 2006

Gush Katif - Like You've Never Seen it Before!

I posted this around the internet last year. It's well worth a review and prayerful consideration, especially in light of all that has happened since the shameful and illegal expulsion of productive Jews from their biblical homes and property and consequent terrorist activities directed from the now Arab occupied areas of destroyed Jewish communities.

May God soon liberate and restore the Land of Israel to the People of Israel! May every Israelite and Jew confess and forsake our personal and national sins to hasten that glorious day and prevent further suffering, loss of precious life and beloved land (2 Chron. 7:14, Dan. 9:11, Malachi 4:4).

The following photos and words are shared with us from Israeli Yuval Zaliouk (who is from Haifa but also has a home near Toledo, Ohio).

See for yourself how the Israelis, by the grace of God, have made the desert blossom as a rose, and how Sharon and Bush coldheartedly intend on uprooting such productive Israeli citizens and turning their labors of love, their blood, sweat and tears over to their sworn enemies! It's an outrage that must be stopped, so help us God!

Imagine - God forbid - Bush blathering we can no longer prevent illegal aliens from taking over the Southwest, so in order to have "peace" with Mexico, we must expel the law-abiding and productive Americans living there and surrender their homes and property and businesses to Mexicans before they start terrorizing the rest of the United States to create their new homeland called Atzlan. After all, we seized those territories with superior force and must now return them to right an alleged wrong. Don't be surprised if the madness goes that far, as part of the curse we're suffering for disobedience to our Great Creator God (Deut. 28:43, Dan. 9:11).

David Ben-Ariel

From Yuval Zaliouk:

Dear friends,

The biggest outrage of all is the flippant arrogance of all those in Israel who support the eviction and deportation of 8000 fellow citizens from Gush Katif, without ever having set foot in Gush Katif to see for themselves the haven that has been created there.

Sitting in Israel's center, such as Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, or in the comfort of other countries, they have the audacity, chutzpa, nay, malice, to determine the fate of the most dedicated modern-time vanguards Israel has produced in recent times.

I had the greatest privilege of visiting Gush Katif last month. I was honored to meet the diligent, tenacious, dedicated, ingenious and courageous people who live there. Every Israeli, every Jew, and all those who seek justice, Jewish or not, must be deeply proud and grateful for what these incredible people have created.

For all of you, my readers, I posted the photos I took during my visit. You will find them in:

What you will see is the wonderful hospitable family of Nissim and Nurit in Ganei Tal where I stayed. Their children Stav and Nadav. Their unbelievable greenhouses in which they produce the best tomatoes ever, which they pack and ship to markets in Europe.

Pay attention to the paradise these people created in what used to be nothing but Saharan sand dunes. You will see the prosperous communities, the lawns, flowers and the trees miraculously grown by these industrious people.

You will also see the Memorial Day ceremony and exhibition in memory of those family members who were murdered by terrorist villains. Pay attention to the concrete blocks erected to protect the people from Arab snipers.

There are 5 folders with total of 68 photos to flip through.

I hope my photos will add a dimension to your considerations. The eviction of these excellent people must be opposed with all legitimate means. Their fate is our fate and their fall is a victory for terror. If you love Israel, if you believe in Zionism, raise your voice. Help stop the injustice...

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