Monday, August 14, 2006

Realists are not racists!

It is an UNDENIABLE FACT that white people have contributed far more to world civilization than any other race. According to my understanding a "racist" would say such creative/intellectual superiority is inherent. At this point, until proven otherwise, I believe it is not inherent but results from contact with our Great Creator God, as the white Israelites have been chosen to be the Servant Nation and bless all mankind (which, generally speaking, we have done) and are unique in this regard. Due to such a special calling, we have been inspired, blessed, because we're the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

It is actually amazing that white folk have been so humble about such an overwhelming, disproportionate contribution to world civilization, as any other race would never let up about it rather than suppress such plain truth. Perhaps most white Israelites acknowledge it is not inherent but by the grace of God for the benefit of all. We are the Firstborn of many nations.

Those who deny these undeniable facts about white people are exposing themselves as legitimate racists (unlike those branded as such by the pc cultists).

It is also an UNDENIABLE FACT that black people have contributed the least to world civilization of all races and peoples, generally remaining a basket case wherever they are, and those relatively few who have contributed anything were under white Israelite influence.

Those who deny these undeniable facts about black people are exposing themselves as legitimate racists (unlike those branded as such by the pc cultists).

To whom much has been given, much is required, and presently the British-Israelites and Jews are too steeped in idolatry and immorality, which is why God is permitting the Nazi-Muslims to nip at our heels, and soon the fascist EU to devour us.

The Plain Truth About the "Lost Ten Tribes" and Why You Need to Know!

Race Matters

The Church of God Must Warn the World!